
Millie walked into the orphanage later Saturday evening by herself. Clayton was back at her old house resting with Quinn, and she was glad at the chance to talk to Texiss alone.

“Come on in Millie” Texiss called from the kitchen, visible from the door.

Millie walked in and sat at the kitchen table. Texiss’ helper, Page, scurried around with the children and kept them under control.

Texiss put a steaming cup of tea in front of her, sitting across her with her own.

“Looks like you can use it,” she said.

“Do I look that bad?” Millie asked, blowing on the tea.

“You look worn out. Tell me about your employer,” Texiss said.

Millie sighed. Where did she begin? “His name is Trey. Trey Shannon. He’s kind of… strange, I guess”.

“How so?”

“Well, he refuses to tell anyone what he does for a living. Clayton knows, but he won’t talk. He seems to be afraid of being a father to Quinn, like he’s scared of messing up. ’One move and you ruin your kid’s life’ he said” Millie explained.

“Cameron said pretty much the same thing to me the other day. He asked how he was supposed to know he was a good father. I didn’t know. I think it’s like a guessing game,” Texiss said.

Millie sipped her tea. “Papa was good at being a father. Wish he and Trey could talk” she smiled.

Texiss smiled with her. “Your father was a rare man. Tell me more about Trey. Is he handsome?” Texiss asked.

Millie narrowed her eyes at Texiss. “Sort of. He scared me at first. Kind of a devilish handsome, I guess. Really dark looks” she said.

“Like Lance?” Texiss asked.

Millie cut her eyes toward Texiss. “Trey’s nothing like Lance.”

“Well, don’t get all defensive” Texiss put her hands up and smiled. “There’s something you have to know, though.”


“Lance is in town.”

Millie gasped. She thought she was rid of him. “When?”

“Yesterday. He came by here looking for you,” Texiss said.

“You didn’t tell him where I live now, did you?” Millie asked.

“No, of course not”.

Millie leaned back and Texiss leaned forward. “You need to face him, Millie,” she said.

“I can’t” Millie shook her head.

“You can and you have to. You’ll never move on unless you permanently get rid of him. Make him regret the day he ever disrespected a Williams.

Millie thought a moment. Maybe she should go and give Lance a piece of her mind. The again, she didn’t want to hurt him.

“If I do go, it will be for no other reason than to tell him I forgive him,” Millie said.

“Then do that. But you have to face him” Texiss said.

Millie thought that maybe she was right. Texiss was older and wiser than she was.

“I need to go check on the baby. I left her with Cameron and he probably let her go to sleep. Softie” Texiss stood and left.

Millie stood and went to the door. “I have to go, Texiss” she called.

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