"That's why teachers show videos!" Kaminari realized.

"Duh," Eraser stated as if it was fact.

And she goes "yeah, I don't wanna work!" And I was like "you know the kids don't wanna work either?" She was like "good!" (Downs another drink)

I was really excited a lot of people showed up. They told me it was a big theatre & I thought no one would come, so thank you for coming. I wanted to like, take ads out in the paper, or like, do something to a tot so I could get into the Hosu Post, or something.

"I'm sorry, what? What does he mean by "touch a tot"?" Jirou asked, slightly disgusted.

"I think we all know what he means," Sato said.

The Hosu Post is my favorite newspaper, I think it's great. I read it every day.

"Of course Deku would read fucking newspapers," Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"What's wrong with reading newspapers?" Iida asked, genuinely confused.

I like reading the Hosu Post, because reading the Hosu Post is like talking to someone who heard the news, & now they're trying to give you the jist.

"True," Hawks smirked.

You get the same amount of information if you grabbed someone off the street & went "what happened today?!" And they'd be like "there's a perv in queens!" And you'd be like "alright, thank you!" (Tips hat)

"Hey, it's M*neta!" Tooru stated.

"Hey!" M*neta exclaimed, massively offended.

Or rather, it's like someone read a better newspaper & now they're trying to text you everything they can remember. It doesn't have to be right, it just has to be short.

"I know what that's like," Jirou looked over to Kaminari. He smiled embarrassingly.

I really do love the Hosu Post. I read it a lot, & there's a hierarchy in the Hosu Post. Different people that they like, & different people that they don't like. And if you pay attention, you can start to identify some of the Hosu Post rankings that they have.

"I think I know what he's talking about," Ryukyu said.

The number one thing that you can be in the eyes of the Hosu Post is an Angel.

"That's sweet," Uraraka beamed.

An angel is a child that has died.

"Oh," Uraraka's smiled faded.

That is the best thing that you can be in the eyes of the Hosu Post. The less amount of time you live, the better, in the eyes of the Hosu Post.

"Wow. That got dark fast," Tokoyami said.

"That's ironic coming from you," Sero laughed.

After that, under an Angel, is a hero. A hero is any man who does his job. You'll a lot of times see headlines that are like "hero tutor teaches after school!" And you're like "yeah." (Duh)

"Some of them are still better than actual "hero" heroes," Todoroki said bluntly. The pro heroes stared at him with worry.

Down towards the bottom of the spectrum there are pervs. Pervs touch tots. Tots are angels who haven't died yet. There are no children in the eyes of the Hosu Post. You're either a tot, or you're dead & you're an Angel.

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