Chapter 7 - A Taste of Honey

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This is my first ever properly written smut.
This chapter would have probably crossed 6k had I not stopped myself xD But its still the longest I've ever written!



'Paul flashed the largest smile at my words, kissing me soundly once again. I found myself getting lost in his aura until he pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. 'As much as I am dying to take you, it won't be in an alley. At least, not your first time.'

I turned red, 'You mean...there will be a time when we do it in such a spot?'

He grinned at me, a hint of mischief and evil, 'Oh Aurelia, you have no idea what I have in store for you.'

'I look forward to it,' I replied slyly, gaining the courage to run my hand across his clothed length.

Paul hissed loudly, bucking his hips, 'Darling, I suggest you stop because I want this to be special.'

I complied, understanding the gravity of his words. He wanted it to be perfect and so did I. 

'I...I've wanted this for so long,' I confessed. 'I've fantasized it.'

Of all the years I had spent listening to the girls in my school gush about having sex with their boyfriends, some even having affairs with much older married men just to experience physical relationships, I found it unbelievable that this was going to happen with the one and only Paul McCartney. His records were an important part of my collection. If he were making any television appearance, I would be propped in front of the screen almost an hour in advance. And I had watched his movies multiple times in cinema - the perks of being rich. Also, the only time when I really exploited my father's wealth.

'So have I,' Paul replied. 'I thought I was the only one.'

'Trust me, you most definitely aren't the only one.' 

I stood there, giggling like a schoolgirl while he smiled at me lovingly, playing with my hair.

'So...what is the plan?' I asked him, still blushing under his gaze. He was looking at me as if I was the only woman in the world for him. 'My friends are in this building right here,' I touched the wall of the alley we were standing in. 'And the window is facing the Cavendish.'

Paul thought for a moment, 'You drew the curtains before coming to see me, right?' I nodded, letting him to continue. 'Let me see if it is still in place. If they are still shut, I will cross the road, open my gate and the main door, and switch on a light. The light will be your signal. Then you run.'

'And in case they have opened the curtains?'

'Then there's another way, but I hope it doesn't come to that!'

Paul took my hand in his and we walked towards the pavement. We glanced up and sighed in relief, knowing we could stick to this plan. He raised an eyebrow when he saw me fastening my coat and unbuckling my very-high heels.

'The coat so that no one recognises my clothes, even if they were to see me. And I am not running in these shoes.'

He smirked, liking the way I thought, and sprinted all the way to the main door. My heart sped up as soon as I saw the light turning on. Taking my queue, I slipped my heels off, grabbing them, hissing at how cold the pavement was and race down the same path, not stopping and not daring to turn. The heat of Paul's house welcomed me and he slammed the door behind me. While I was catching my breath, I observed he had shut the blinds in the room too.

'Only the windows facing the backyard won't be covered.' He said, answering my thoughts. 'I'll check every room later.'

I bit my lip, nodding my head slowly. A sudden rush of shyness took over me, speeding my breathing. I leaned against the shoe rack.

MUSICALLY YOURS - Paul McCartney x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now