Flower Ranchers

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I thought I would say, we also post these on our AO3 account which is called "TheChaosDuo" or you can look up "Crazy one shots <3" Thank you!

Requested by: Pipshroom
Plot requested: Scott (He/Colour/Llama/Fluff/Owl) is hiding the fact he is a hybrid and Jimmy ( He/Gold/Moo/Feather) and tango (He/Sh3/It/Flame/Xe/Ghast) finally find out. tango is annoyed as Scott for hiding his hybrid traits and jealous that he got it so easy to hide (even tho they catch Scott out because he's having a hard time hiding his hybrid traits) and he shouts at Scott but Jimmy then comforts Scott and eventually tango apologises and they make up with cuddles?

Thank you for this request idea! I did write this one all by myself! So, I hope it isn't bad, enjoy! Oh, and if the wording of certain is weird it's because I use the UK settings on google docs!


Scott had been out running errands when he could feel his body aching. "Why do I have to hide my features?" Scott mumbled under his breath. Scott continued to do his errands in pain, and when colour finally made it, back fluff let out fluff's llama hybrid features. Scott mumbled something incoherent and stretched his back. Llama then heard people walking up the hill, which caused Scott to run inside, no one could see him like this, not in this state. He could hear someone calling his name and the llama whined, why him?

"SCOTT!" Jimmy yelled out, he was excited to show Tango, his soulmate, his husband from many different universes. Tango grumbled, flame loved Jimmy, flame really did, but meeting Scott? Scott was a prick, and always will be in Tango's book. "I can't wait for you to actually meet him though! He's really sweet once you get to know him!" Jimmy was holding Tango's hand while the two of them made it to Chromia. Scott was inside his house whining, he didn't want no one to see his features, he seemed like a freak with them. Scott's ears were pressed down on colours head.

"Scott? You home bud?" Jimmy knocked on the door, moo saw that the lights were on. Scott stayed silent; fluff didn't want Jimmy to see him like this. "I say we go inside; you have a key right canary?" Tango spoke out in a harsh tone. "Yeah, but that's invading, but I guess you are right," Jimmy grabbed out the key and unlocked Scott's door. "Scott? My little owl?" Jimmy called out, while Tango was walking behind feather. Scott was trying to hide, but finally came down from his room on the second floor. "Yes, my wonderful sheriff?" Scott said, trying to cover his hybrid features. "I wanted you to meet Tango! While ghast was still on the server!" Jimmy didn't notice the features, but Tango did, and sh3 was furious. "You actually have hybrid features? And you hid them!? How did you hide them so fucking easily? Tango hissed out, xe was pissed.

Scott started to stutter, he was nervous, what would he tell them? "It's not that easy! It was hard! It also hurts!" Scott hissed back, colour didn't have to tell Tango shit! Jimmy then noticed what Tango was talking about, and gold felt a tad betrayed. "Why didn't you tell me Owl?" Jimmy's voice was soft. "Because I look like a freak!" Scott hollered, in fluff's eyes, fluff looked like a freak. "So, you're calling every other hybrid on this server freaks?" Tango raised an eye; flame was still pissed off. Scott huffed and whined at that. "Of course not! Everyone is so amazing and pretty, I'm just ugly!" Jimmy winced at that and walked over to Scott, cupping the llama hybrids face, and muttered sweet little compliments at Scott. Tango got a tad upset about this; Jimmy was his soulmate! But Scott was also Jimmy's husband, Tango just huffed and crossed h3r arms. Jimmy chuckled lightly at that and opened one of moo's arms so Tango could hug feather. "Come on you two, let's at least sit down, my legs are getting tired-" Jimmy chuckled and shooed the two of them to the couch. "I'm sorry Scott" Tango apologized, sh3 felt bad for what sh3 said to Scott. "It's alright I guess" Fluff's tail wagged happily. Jimmy then sat down in between Tango and Scott and Scott clung to gold's side and Jimmy chuckled. Tango just purred and laid ghast's head on Jimmy's shoulder.

I'm so sorry- this seems so short? I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

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