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peters p.o.v. :
"hey parker! it feels like i haven't seen you in forever! how are you feeling after yesterday?" kirishima asks as he clasps his hand onto my shoulder.

i flinch slightly and look up at him.
"um good! good. how are you?"

he gives me sort of a strange look before continuing
"i'm doing good man! glad you're okay!"

"peter? do you still-" mr. hawks starts

"i tell you later." i promise

mr. aizawa and mr. hawks share a look but say nothing more. i see that kirishima and midoryia are making their way outside and i decide to join them. we make small talk but as soon as we get outside some policeman approach us.

"izuku midoryia, eijiro kirishima, and peter parker? i'm sorry to bother you two right after your discharge. but look we'd like you to come down to the station with us. we have some questions for you about the incident."

"yes sir." kirishima says

"anything you need." midoryia adds on

"of course." i say

they bring us to the police station and delay our trip home even further. but then again, this place would never be my home.

time skip to later that night

when we arrive at the dorms it's already night time. coincidently, kirishima, midoryia, and i arrive at the same time ururaka and tsuyu do. we talk about the paperwork we had to fill out but then make our way inside together.

as soon as we walk in we are immediately greeted by all of class 1a. besides bakugou of course.

"there you guys are! it's about time you showed up!" mineta says

"all of us were worried about you." yaoyorozu tells us

"yeah we saw the news!" kaminari  adds

"it looked terrifying!" ashido says

"is anyone hurt?" sero asks

midoryia and kirishima keep talking to everybody but i'm already starting to get a headache. i decide to head into the kitchen to grab a snack before going up to bed.

i walk into the kitchen and see bakugou standing in there. he looks up from what he's doing but doesn't say anything at first. as i move around, i can feel his eyes on me.

"is there something you need?" i ask irritably. those stones are really having an effect on me.

"tch what stick is up your ass today?" he rudely says

"bakugou i'm not in the mood right now." i say honestly.

"yeah i can tell. so what's even up with you? i saw the news." bakugou stands up from the chair he was in and leans against the counter.

"what do you mean?" i say knowing exactly what he means.

"on the news you were all," he does movements with his hands, "glowy. orange and green glowy. even after aizawa used his quirk on you, you didn't stop."

"it's- my quirk is physical. genetic. he can't erase my genes."

"but glowing and shooting orange blasts out of your hands isn't genetic. that's not a spider-like power."

a spider in the wrong universe Where stories live. Discover now