Ch. 9 Strategy Meeting

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It's been three days since our meeting with Elysia, and I still feel the weight of the task we've been given. Saving the universe is no small feat, but it also makes me feel important like I have a purpose. I've been trying to think of ways to find the other blessed individuals, but the lack of information is making it complicated.

On the bright side, I've been putting in a lot of work on my tachyon training, and it's paying off. I've made massive improvements in controlling my blood ball, and can now shoot it at targets with precision. It's not strong enough to break through anything yet, but I'm making progress with each attempt. My dad even encouraged me to think outside the box and come up with new ways to use my abilities, reminding me that creativity is key to improving my fighting capabilities. Now, I'm headed to the multi-purpose room for my daily training.

As I entered the multi-purpose room, the door quietly slid open, revealing Illu seated in the center of the room. It was an odd sight, as he appeared to be lost in deep thought or meditation. I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to disturb him, but he sensed my presence and opened his eyes, turning to look at me.

Feeling a bit embarrassed for interrupting him, I offered a friendly smile and asked, "Hey Illu, are you also training your tachyon?"

He shook his head, replying, "No, I can't use my tachyon properly at the moment."

Confused, I inquired further, "What do you mean?"

In response, he slowly removed his shirt, causing me to wonder if he was trying to show off. Despite my initial annoyance, I couldn't help but notice his well-defined muscles and overall athletic build. Shaking off my thoughts, I focused on the tattoo that covered his spine.

The tattoo was symmetrical and consisted of a multitude of geometric figures, mostly hexagons, with swirling shapes between them. The top and bottom sections were identical, while the middle was divided by eight triangles forming a circle pointing outward. Inside the circle, three parallel horizontal lines were intersected by a single vertical line. It was like nothing I had ever seen before, and I couldn't help but feel curious about its significance.

"This is an Azulrian tachyon seal," Illu began, his voice low and serious. "It was designed by your mother, the queen, to prevent my body from creating tachyon." He turned around, revealing the tattoo on his back once again. "Each line at the center represents one of the layers of the seal. Currently, each line blocks about 30% of my tachyon conversion. That means I can only use 10% of my original tachyon."

I listened intently, trying to grasp the gravity of what he was saying.

"And the vertical line is an emergency mechanism," he continued, "where Thea can deplete my tachyon instantaneously."

I gasped. "I had no idea."

"It was the only way I could gain their trust and begin working for her," he said, a hint of resignation in his voice. "I understand their concerns. I was an enemy, so they needed a safeguard in case I went against them. I can still use the goddess power, though, since it does not involve tachyon. But my extreme-speed is limited."

As I recalled, Illu had used his extreme-speed in the fight against the Scoorob. It was impressive to witness, and I couldn't help but wonder how much stronger he would be without the seal holding him back. But my thoughts were interrupted when my dad walked in, ready to begin my training. He politely asked Illu to leave. "We will begin Amelia's training now, so please excuse us," he said.

But Illu, being his usual stubborn self, retorted, "I just want to see what the princess of Azulri is capable of. Don't mind me."

I could sense the tension building up between them, so I stepped in to defuse the situation. "It's alright, I don't mind if he stays," I said, hoping to ease the tension between them.

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