Ch. 6 Illu's Memories

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I wake up feeling like I'm on top of the world as if I'm floating on a cloud. The room's lights automatically brighten as I stir, and I feel the temperature rise a few degrees. This advanced technology is something else. Back on Earth, I would never have dreamt of having a room that responded to my every move like this.

As I head towards the bathroom, the door slides open on its own, beckoning me inside. A voice speaks up, offering me a shower, and I accept gratefully. Within seconds, the bathtub is filled with perfectly tempered water, and I spend nearly half an hour soaking in it, the warm water enveloping me like a comforting blanket.

As I exit the bathroom, I notice a neon drawing on the ground, resembling two feet. Instinctively, I stand on it, and a voice asks me what color I'd like my clothes to be. Without hesitation, I answer "green," my favorite color. Suddenly, a scanner descends from the ceiling, scanning my body from top to bottom. When it reaches the floor, it starts to materialize clothes onto my body. I'm left with a snug yet flexible full-body spacesuit that feels almost like gymnastics attire. It's comfortable, but at the same time, it feels futuristic and otherworldly.

Just as I'm getting used to the feeling of the new suit, the voice announces that breakfast is ready in the common room and that the other passengers are already there. The voice offers to guide me there, and I accept. A neon light appears on the floor, leading me to the door.

As I make my way out of the room and into the hallway, I notice that the floors are equipped with sensors that detect my footsteps and adjust the lighting accordingly. I walk past a room with an open door and peek inside, noticing a holographic display of constellations floating in the center of the room. I am in awe of the technology and possibilities that exist in this universe, and I can't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to experience it.

As I reached the common room, I'm immediately hit with the mouth-watering aroma of the food. My stomach grumbles in anticipation, but then I saw my mother, she is already at the table digging into a colorful dish that looks like a mix of vegetables and noodles, while dad and Illu seem to be discussing something intently by the counter. 

The table is filled with an array of dishes that I've never seen before. There are colorful fruits and vegetables that seem to glow, a plate of what looks like tiny crustaceans, and a steaming bowl of something that looks like soup but is bubbling and changing colors. I absolutely can't wait to try them all.

"Good morning, everyone!" I said cheerfully as I took a seat at the table. Mom greets me with a smile, and dad and Illu nod in acknowledgment.

I start piling my plate high with the various dishes, unable to resist the temptation of trying everything at once. Oh my god, this food is unlike anything I have tasted before, bursting with flavors I didn't know existed. There are spicy dishes that make my eyes water, sweet ones that make me feel like she's biting into a cloud, and savory ones that make my taste buds dance. As I ate, I told Illu that we needed to talk, and he nodded, saying that he had been expecting it. But he suggested that we wait until after breakfast when we would have more time to talk. I agreed, knowing that there was a lot to discuss and not wanting to rush the conversation. As I ate, I couldn't help but wonder what Illu would say when we finally had that talk.

We finished our breakfast, and my dad announced that he had to go to the central hub to start his daily tasks as the captain. My mom said that she needed to go with him to assist with ship maintenance and parameters. I told them that I would stay and talk to Illu, but my dad suggested that we meet on the observation deck, since that was the place inside the ship where all the important meetings were held. I agreed and then he showed us the way. I was excited to see it for myself, but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. As we entered, I was stunned by the room's beauty and luxuriousness. The room was circular and had glass walls, offering an incredible view of the space.

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