Ch. 2 - A suspicious ally

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*** Amelia's POV ***

I'm frozen, completely paralyzed by fear. It's a sensation like no other, my heart beating so hard it feels like it's going to burst from my chest. The clamor of screams and shouts around me is muffled, a distant roar, as my senses become numb. My eyes fixate on the silhouette looming behind the door, inching closer and closer. My body shakes uncontrollably, and I'm finally able to see the creature in its full horror.

Its body is humanoid, but gargantuan, towering over us at the height of three adults. Its limbs are deformed, with long, curved legs resembling those of a grasshopper, and arms that seem far too thin and lengthy. Its elongated droplet-shaped face is dominated by two bright red eyes on opposite sides, and its skin is a dark shade of blue, moist to the touch. The creature's body is covered in a high-tech black tracksuit, adorned with neon-blue tubes. Its nose and mouth are concealed behind a mechanical mask, adding to the unsettling nature of its appearance.

In its hands, the creature wields a sword-like object, and a miniature version of the same weapon, both enveloped in a strange red mist. 

The monstrous figure towers over the room, its presence suffocating and overwhelming. Its head moves methodically as it scans the classroom, studying each trembling individual with unsettling interest. The seconds drag on like hours, the tension mounting as the creature reaches for its mask and presses a button, the metallic voice that emerges jarring and otherworldly.

"Give me the princess of Azulri," it demands, its words translated through the mask's machinery.

The once chaotic room falls eerily silent, the air thick with fear and apprehension. All eyes are fixed on the creature, but no one dares to speak or move. The monster's frustration boils over, and it bellows its demand again, this time with a deafening scream that reverberates off the walls.

Frantically searching for any clues or answers, I look to my fellow students, but their expressions are blank with terror. As I turn my attention back to the creature, I notice Professor Bucklock rising from his hiding spot, slowly making his way towards the monster. My mind races, wondering what he could possibly be thinking, considering he's been cowering under his desk until now.

The professor's words quivered with fear as he stuttered out his response. "S-S-Sorry but there's no princess in here. I-I-I don't know what you are or where you came from, but we are peaceful humans and don't want trouble with anyone." 

The alien fixed its gaze upon him, but I tried to reassure myself that we were safe, as there was a safe distance between them. Suddenly, the creature raised its long sword, making a swift motion through the air, and I watched in horror as Professor Bucklock's body was sliced in two. The sight of his organs spilling out onto the floor and the pool of blood growing beneath him made my stomach churn.The classroom erupted in chaos once again as everyone scrambled to the back of the room, seeking safety. Some were sobbing uncontrollably, while others were trying to break the windows in a desperate attempt to flee. My eyes met the alien's for a fleeting moment, and a chill ran down my spine.

Suddenly, the alien's attention shifted to me and it spoke in a metallic voice, "That green hair. Found you!" Its words were met with horrified looks from the other students, who quickly moved away from me. The creature swiftly jumped over and landed in front of me, causing me to lose my balance and fall to the ground. I frantically tried to crawl away, but found myself cornered with nowhere left to go. Tears streamed down my face as the alien slowly advanced towards me. I was convinced that it was going to kill me.

But then it spoke again, its words offering a glimmer of hope amidst the terror. "I've been told to bring you back alive, 'cus you are an important hostage, but no one said a word about bringing you in one piece. Now you will suffer a fraction of the pain you Azulrians caused us!" It raised its arm, preparing to strike me with its weapon.

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