"Well now i'm annoyed, you annoy me"

Torres- "Shocker there" we both scoff at the statement, watching as the sun slowly disappears into the ocean

We stay silent, but a more comfortable silence than before as the colors in the sky dance around he doesn't say a single thing as he stand up, confusing me before I decide to ignore it.

He comes back a minute later holding his phone, "here" his voice is soft, not the same as when we were arguing just minutes ago

"What for?" why was he giving me his phone? Gonna show off all the girls texting him?

Torres- "Well I don't know where yours is and you like taking pictures of the sunset. You can send them to yourself"

I hide my smile as I take the phone, I refuse for him to know I enjoy taking pictures of things, but for some odd reason he already does, so now i'll settle for refusing to let him know that his gesture made me smile

I end up taking like ten pictures of different parts of the sunset. Exiting the camera I go to contacts, searching up my name nothing shows up, "am I not in your phone?"

Torres- "No, you are"

"Well, it's not showing up, did you block me?" I have his number, he seriously doesn't have mine? Is he that much of a child?

Torres- "Oh shit, it's not under your name" he gently takes the phone from me, handing it back moments later in my contact

"Tiara? Is that really my name?"

Torres- "Yes it is" he smiles proud of himself, not looking at me he keeps his eyes on the view

Once I send them to myself I wonder if he even follows me on instagram, before I look it up a post from Silvia shows up on his screen, "Your girlfriend posted on instagram"

Torres- "My girlfriend, I don't have a- oh" he stops as he sees the screen, "Very funny, can I have my phone back now?" he reaches for the phone

"One second" I quickly move the phone away typing my name in quickly, he starts poking me, "Can I have it now?"

"Wait" I laugh once it shows up. Impatient little shit.

I dramatically gasp as I see he doesn't follow me

"What" he asks concerned looking at the phone quickly, no longer poking and tickling me

"You mister do not follow me on instagram" I glare

Torres- "You don't follow me so I unfollowed you"

"You followed me before? I didn't know, where you all but hurt?"

Torres- "You wish" he laughs looking back at the phone, "is that you in your profile picture?"

"Who else would it be Torres"

Torres- "Well I didn't know because you're holding roses"

"What about it?"

Torres- "You like gladiolus', not roses"

Stella- "Kie loves roses, what are you talking about Dawson" she adds walking past us only picking up the small part of our conversation

Torres- "No you don't" he looks at me confused, it's true, I don't like roses. I watch as stella looks at his weirdly as if so confident that she's right and he's wrong before walking away

"They're my favorite" I lie, why does he know that?

Torres- "Don't bullshit with me, I know for a fact, you don't like roses you think it's stupid that people like a flower that represents love so strongly when you think that something like that shouldn't be associated with a flower"

"Well, it's shouldn't"

Torres- "See!" he smiles look at me as if proud he got me to admit I didn't like roses

"I do like gladiolus's, you're right" why does he even know that? How?

Torres- "I know, you said you like that they symbolize strength instead of something stupid like love"

"How do you know that?"

Torres- "Why do you let people think your favorite flower is roses?"

"Why do you know that they aren't instead of being like everyone else?" I did truly want to know that

Torres- "I don't want to be everyone else if it means not knowing the actual you"

"And what's it to you Torres?"

"It's nothing to me, Jones"Torres rolls his eyes, we stay silent for a while, it's dark now, stars light up the sky, the only noises being the faint voices of our whispering friends along with the waves

After a couple minutes I speak, "It wasn't necessary"

Torres hums looking at me as if not quite catching what I said

"It wasn't necessary for people to know, so I let them think what they wanted"

Torres- "No, I heard that it's just, why did you think it wasn't necessary?"

"Could you have lived without knowing that? yes." Why is he fucking asking questions? He doesn't deserve to know the answer to a question my best friend doesn't even know.

Torres- "So?"

"Well there's your answer, people don't care nor need to know about stupid things like that" Why did you say that? What is wrong with you?

Torres- "Of course people care"

"If they cared they would've noticed that type of stuff"

Torres- "If you told them right now that you like gladiolus flowers I bet you they'd never buy you another rose again" can he drop it?

"They'd forget, but that's okay, I don't care" this has to be the vodka talking, I am saying way more shit than i'd ever say to him if I was completely sober.

Torres- "People do care enough to notice that type of stuff"

"Like who?" no one. that's who.

Torres- "Me" I couldn't help but think over the words, he had a point. How else would he know about something like that? but he doesn't care, that's not something we do, caring for each other is not something we do. No one cares, and god knows he won't be the first.

Words: 1512

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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