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it's been two weeks since school started, Torres is a dick, schools chill, my teachers this year are basically scared of me so they don't give me shit if i'm late, and my group got even closer if that's even possible. Im pretty good with Oliver although we have gotten in a couple small arguments over Me and Torres living together, he needs to let it go.

He hasn't truly slept at all, whenever I wake up he's not sleeping which kind off confuses me but I don't give a shit we hate each other, so what if he's constantly tired.

Tonight is the same, I wake up, and Torres is sitting on the very edge of his bed, with his head in his hands it makes me think, i've never seen him this distressed, sure he doesn't sleep but this looks like he's freaking out, his hands tangled in his dark hair, pulling at it as he shakes his head.

"Torres" I speak in a much harsher tone than I meant to. Sliding my legs out of the covers I slowly walk to his bed, repeating his name once more.

"Torres" Im getting kind of annoyed that he won't answer, although this time he looks up, rubbing his eyes quickly as he sees me. I walk over to him, sitting down right beside him.

"Kiara go back to bed" his voice is exhausted, I can tell he's trying to be harsh, despite his best effort it's not working.

"No" I shake my head, I'm not gonna be able to go to bed with him being like this, it's fucking annoying.

"Kiara, go" this time his best efforts work slightly more, his voice breaks in the middle making me knot my eye brows together continuing by rolling my eyes, I hate myself for what i'm about to do.

"Come here" I pull his hands out from his hair, moving closer to him I pull his head into my chest. He tenses at the contact, usually I would too but i'm willing to let it happen. He might be a stuck up asshole but he needs to fucking sleep.

"what are you doing"

"Stop talking" I command of the boy, at this he wraps his arms around my waist, his head burying deeper into my chest.

I make sure to stay there for at little, allowing him to breathe and slightly relax. Pulling away from him I see the bags under his eyes, and the red from rubbing them so much, he looks like shit.

"what has got you like this Torres?" I shouldn't care, I don't care, everything will go back to normal tomorrow. I'll wake up, he'll tell me i'm a cunt or a whore, all I have to do is let him sleep right now.

"I don't sleep, practically ever" He looks down to his lap, ashamed of his words

"You have trouble with it?" I guess that makes sense

He simply shakes his head, I fidget with my hands trying to think what I should do, usually my walls are up, i'm defensive, rude even but right now I am simply stuck. What am I supposed to do in this situation?

"If I explain this to you," he pauses, as if mad at himself for what he's about to do, "you won't tell anyone?" he rubs his forehead, clearly embarrassed, we've hated each other forever, we still hate each other, although a silent agreement is created between us in this moment.

"I won't say anything," I roll my eyes, I may be a bitch and we don't get along well and often fight, but i'm not going to do anything if he's this messed up over it, i'm not a fucking horrible person.

"I have insomnia," he whispers, not making eye contact with me, strictly watching himself play with the strings of his sweatpants.

That makes sense, I have no idea what i'm supposed to do for him to sleep, it's like he hasn't slept in years, how the hell am I supposed to even comfort him? This isn't my thing, this is Stella's thing, he hates me. I used to have insomnia when my parents were always on work trips for weeks at a time, I couldn't sleep unless someone else was in the room, it was like if I went to bed without then there they were going to leave me

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