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After we make it back to the apartment we find Thomas and Millie laying on the floor.

What the hell?

Leo- "Why are you dumbasses on the floor?"

Thomas- "Millie said it was cold and feels good when you're hungover"

Torres- "So you just listen to anything a girl says now?"

Millie- "I'm a reliable source"

"Sure you are mills"

Millie- "Hey what's that supposed to mean!" she pushes off the floor as I walk towards her

"Here" I hand her the coffee and her eyes light up making me smile slightly

"Where's stel?" I can't help but look around trying to find her

Millie- "In the shower" the girl says in between sips, practically chugging the coffee I bought her.

Sebastian- "Bitches! You left without us"

"Don't worry seby, they left me too, I had to walk down to them all alone"

Torres- "Get over it, we didn't want you there in the first place"

"Suck it up, still have two more years you're stuck with me"

Sebastian- "Technically it's only a year and a ha-"

"Shut the fuck up"

Skylar- "Someone's cranky" the boy emerges from the room both him and Stella are staying in

Thomas- "How did you sleep lover boy?" he smirks watching his friend walk over to the couch. Both him and millie are still sitting on the floor, leant against the wall looking at everyone on the couch

Skylar- "It was merely friendly, no cuddling, no touching, just sleep"

I smirk as I nod, everyone exchanging a look saying bullshit to whatever he had to say about the 'friendliness' of their relationship.

I feel arms wrap around my shoulders, a head resting on my right shoulder, I look over to see a sleepy Stella. I force my tensed shoulders o relax slightly, I need to get better at this whole physical touch shit

Stella- "I'm exhausted"

I lift up the croissant I bought so it's at her eye line

Stella- "Have I ever told you how much I fucking love you"

"Once or twice" I shrug as she kisses my cheek walking away with the pastry.

Skylar- "What are we doing today?"

Jules- "We're gonna go out on the boat"

Millie- "Fuck yeah"

Thomas- "Where we gonna go?"

Leo- "Jules wants to go tubing and Dawson wants to wake board so we're gonna go out into that bay and do stupid shit in there"

Sebastian- "I'm down with that"

"When are we gonna head out?"

Leo- "As soon as everyone's ready we can go"

I look at the time seeing it's ten, i'm surprised everyone's up after how wasted we all were last night.

Everyone spreads throughout the apartment eating, getting ready, talking, I don't fucking know what some of my friends have go through their heads sometimes.

After getting my clothes from the suitcase in Millie and Jules' room I walk into the room i'm staying in, changing into a light green bikini and putting jean shorts on with a cropped black tank top.

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