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Torres and I share this class so when I see the boy walk into the class, I automatically think he's going to come sit beside me just to annoy me which he has been doing for the past two weeks of school, what surprises me is the fact he doesn't, the black haired boy walks directly past my row, continuing to walk till he gets to an empty row on the other side of the room. This makes me laugh, don't want to face me Torres?

I fixate my focus on my surroundings, busying my mind from my true thoughts, "everyone shut up and find a seat," Mr. Helington projects his voice through the class, watching as everyone hurries to find seats beside people they know I sit comfortably, our teacher stands impatiently, tapping his index finger against the edge of the wooden desk.

An hour goes by, bullshit is spoken, and my mind is racing.

My last class is math, it goes by pretty quickly as I am quiet good at the subject there's 25 minutes left, Stella keeps me from being bored as she constantly is needing for my help, I always have been good at it, my father claims it's 'from him' whatever that's supposed to mean, probably another thing he strives to make about himself. Becoming over the class, I grab my bag, walking out of the door and to the back of the school. The main island has a small forest behind the dining hall and education building so I make my way to it. Finding a comfortable spot against a tree I lean back, pulling out a joint and lighting it.

Taking a long drag I close my eyes, relieving stress from everything on my mind. I laugh at myself, disgusted at the events of breaking my fathers rule

"never show emotion to those who will use it against you, that's for the weak, are you weak child, are you fucking weak!" his voice booms through the large office, his eyes darken at the sight of my scared 10 year old body, a deep chuckle leaves his lips, a horrifying laugh as if he's a maniac. "I will not have a weak girl in my house" he seethes, I had just cried after a boy told me I was not allowed to hang out with him and his friends leading to them making fun of me, my father looked at me a way I was and still am quiet familiar with, a look saying 'you are such an embarrassment, it's disgusting'

my stomach churns at the memory, the disappointment that was ever so evident slowly vanishes as the joint slowly takes effect. I sit under the comfort of the trees, finishing the joint, my eyes no doubt are now blood shot. The sound of the bell makes me mentally curse. Pushing off the ground I start walking towards the Dining hall.

My stomach is making noises I would prefer no one else was in ear shot of as I walk to the dinning hall, Millie and Jules had texted me in class they would be at our regular spots at the table.

Arriving to the white modern building I walk inside, air condition blasting onto my face making my hair fly back from my shoulders. I fix it and walk towards the end of the west table, near the corner. We have always found ourselves back in those seats, the place I have claimed since 8th grade has a perfect view of the ocean and when I have no energy to be social my mind will allow me to loose myself, staring off into the natural rhythm of the waves.

"I got you your favorite" Jules smiles placing two tacos in front of me

"thanks" I mutter, tacos are truly my favorite, they're amazing and no one will tell me different I simply don't have the energy to be nice as of now.

Juliana- "mhm" she hums in response, reading that i'm not in the mood.

Skylar- "Stella" I hear the boy whisper beside me to the brunette

Stella- "yea star boy" before she can ask anything else he sits down next to her, pulling her practically onto his lap as he hugs her.

why are they so fucking cute and they're not even together? What the hell.

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