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It's now 11:39, Torres fell asleep like ten minutes ago and i'm doing my skincare in the bathroom getting ready for bed.

Pulling the door open, I flick the light off, shuffling over the my bed walking past Dawson bed. Pulling the covers over me I turn my lamp off and lay my head on the silk pillow.

I wake up not to the light through the blinds, but Torres, the light from his computer made me open my eyes, looking around confused I check the time, 2:17, why the hell is he up?

"Torres?" the name comes out rough, and tired as I sit up rubbing my eyes

"yes tiara" why is his voice so hot right now

"why are you up?" Now i'm simply annoyed

"couldn't sleep"

"do you need melatonin, or something?" I just want to sleep and frankly, he's stopping me from just that

"that won't do anything to help, go back to sleep"

"fine" I roll my eyes at his stubbornness to me offering to help, laying back down I close my eyes turning the other way so I cannot see the screens brightness.

When I wake up again it's light out, the blinds are still closed but I see the sun peaking through the slim cracks in the large window.

I turn around getting out of bed, Torres is still in bed, his computer placed in his lap, the same position as last night.

"Did you fall asleep after I did last night?"

"none of your business"

"well isn't he being just so nice" I mutter under my breath

"it doesn't concern you, so why would I say anything"

"My life doesn't concern you and you still like to judge it"

"But it does now, I live with you"

"even when we didn't live together you never failed to judge"

"i'd never" he acts hurt by my accusation

"Yeah because last night you weren't judging my choice to date" I smirk knowing I proved to him that he's wrong

"fuck off"

-first night with millie, she woke up crazy early

Blondie bae❤️
-at least your roommate fell asleep


Blondie bae❤️
-i don't think he slept, I woke up at 2am and he was awake
-when I woke up just now he was in the same position from earlier his computer was so fucking bright it was annoying

-maybe he just likes that position so he sits in it a lot

Blondie bae❤️
-idk bro he got mad when I asked tho so i prob wont find out it's whatever idgaf

-well I love that for you but come here
-we're making pancakes

Blonde bae❤️
-fucking cunt you made them without me


I throw on one of Oliver's sweatshirts over my sleep shirt, I quickly brush my hair and walk to her room, on Saturday each week we make pancakes, it used to be in Jules and I's dorm but obviously that's not a thing anymore, it's also Sunday but since yesterday we weren't here, today is pancake day.

"Open it, I'm hungry!" I bang on the door, not too loud to wake anyone up that's still sleeping although it's already 10, but it's a weekend so I don't really know. Maybe it would do them some good, stop being so damn lazy. We're supposed to be the most powerful house and shit, they don't live up to that.

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