Julius Rossi is a Protective Brother

Start from the beginning

In the hand opposite of the one Jaya was working on, you held the beetle pendant. The chain was beyond fixing, so the pendant was all you were left with. Jaya noticed your shift in attention and followed it to see the pendant in your hand.

"You never told me what that thing was ya'know."

"Its probably better I don't tell you." You sighed, running your thumb over the scratched gold plating of the jewelry.

"Is that thing what Blake was trying to kill you over?" Jaya asked, finishing up with your stitches.

"In a way..." You opened the locket to show Jaya the scrap of paper you had doodled a smiley face onto. "Maybe it was this that sent him over the edge...OW!" You looked over at Jaya who was once again holding an antiseptic wipe.

"Sorry." Your friend apologized as she took the wipe away from your skin. You relented, setting the beetle pendant aside, allowing the girl to tend to the wounds on your face. Jaya allowed hamon to flow from her hands into the cut on your forehead and your busted lip. Your eyes slowly came to a close as the ever-familiar sensation of the energy dulled your pain.

Julius looked into the rearview mirror. He saw the two of you and frowned at the close proximity. Suddenly, he slammed on the brakes, throwing the both of you away from one another.

"What in the world was that?!" Jaya's attention snapped to her brother for some kind of explanation.

"We're home." Julius smiled innocently. Checking outside, you were now in the parking lot of Jaya's apartment complex. You stepped out of the car with a pained wince.

"Why don't I walk you home?" Jaya asked, noticing you were still a bit shaky on your feet.

"I'd appreciate that." You replied, regaining your balance. Before you or Jaya could begin heading out of the lot, Julius came up next to his sister.

"Hey sis, why don't you bring your bat with ya?" Julius asked.

"Okay..." Jaya replied a bit confused, but not rejecting the idea.

The second Jaya had her back turned, Julius grabbed you by the collar of your shirt. He roughly pulled you closer to him, a scowl adorning his features. You looked up at him, confused and intimidated.

"Jesus you're strong when you aren't recovering from a coma." You groaned, trying to escape Julius' grasp.

"Hurt my sister, and I'll kill you." Julius said with a deadpanned expression.

"E-excuse me?" You asked with a raised brow.

"You heard me." Julius growled.

"Me? Hurt Jaya?" You glanced over at the girl who was searching her brother's car for her baseball bat. Your expression softened a bit. "I wouldn't dream of it..."

"Don't go getting any funny ideas about her either!" Julius shot a glare your way. The boy reluctantly released your collar. "Got it?"

"Yes sir..." You hesitantly replied.

"Got it!" Jaya chirped, finally coming back from the car holding her bat. Completely oblivious to her brother's threats to you only a moment ago. Jaya hooked her arm around yours with a smile. "Let's get going."

"Yeah...lets go." You took one last glance at a fuming Julius before following Jaya out of the parking lot. The two of you walked in silence for a few minutes, Jaya steadying some of your shaky steps, and preventing you from stumbling. You looked at Jaya and then the bat slung over her shoulder. "You really know how to use that thing." You laughed lightly. "I'll admit, I was a bit intimidated when you used it on Blake."

"Let's just say, a giant metal bat sends more of a message then a bedazzled pepper spray." Jaya grinned.

"Fair enough." You commented, allowing the conversation to die off for a moment. "Thanks again for coming to my rescue. I don't know if I'd still be here without you."

"Maybe if you didn't walk into danger all the time I wouldn't have to. These adventures of yours are putting your health at risk." Jaya joked lightly.

"This is nothing." You replied sarcastically. "You need to stop following me into danger."

"No can do." Jaya laughed, playfully hitting you in the arm. "Someone has to fix you up when you get into trouble."

"Thanks Jay, I really mean it." You replied softly. Before long the two of you made it to the front of the Jones Family Bakery. "This is me." You said, walking up to the door.

"Sure you'll be okay?" Jaya asked, noticing you were still wobbling slightly when you walked.

"Yeah... thanks Doc."

"No problem, Jojo." Jaya gave a slight wave and turned back toward her home.

You sighed and faced the door, mentally preparing to sneak upstairs as quietly as possible. Your hand brushed against the door, preparing to unlock it, only to find it was already open. Odd, Senora Jones never forgot to lock up after closing for the day.

"Hey Jay?" You called, getting your friend's attention. "Hold up a second..."

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