(Don't Fear) The Reaper Part 2

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Even in the light misty sprinkle of rain nothing moved, nothing breathed, nothing lived. You made your solitary way past condos and large mansion-like houses minding the barren neighborhood. When a car came rumbling into the driveway in front of you it was the only thing of interest for you to focus on. It was a cop car, the man that stepped out of the driver's seat was still in uniform. You were content to just walking by, but the officer looked at you oddly as you passed by.

"Do you live around here?" He called after you. This was a nicer neighborhood, if this officer lived here, he was probably just checking in on an unfamiliar face. Unfortunately you were a teenager, adults often just assumed you were up to no good. You weren't the most conspicuous looking of high schoolers, but a high schooler none the less.

"No." You answered, turning around. "But I'm headed home from visiting a friend."

"Better hurry." The officer paced towards you. "Strange things have been happening in this area around sunset. Missing pets, strange noises, things like that." As the man spoke you couldn't help but feel you had seen him before. "The neighborhood watch thinks it a bear or something, but I'm not so convinced." Part of you really wanted to tell this man that there were super-powered killer maggots prowling the nearby woods, but the sane sector of your brain decided against it. "Be careful." The man said sternly.

"Will do Mister..." You trailed off to glance at the shiny metal name-tag next to his badge. The name-tag read 'Joe Greenmin'. "Will do." You repeated with a stiff nod. What a small world.

Just like that, you were back on your lonesome way. Typically, you wouldn't mind walking in the rain, but after the altercation with Vita's father, you just wanted to be home and warm up. Not to mention, the complete lack of life or movement was unnerving. The waves at the beach weren't even loud enough for you to hear.

The street was quiet. Too quiet.

Usually when things got quiet a stand would appear. The thought alone made you walk just the slightest bit faster. With luck, you could walk home without consequence.

Before long a familiar woodland cut off came into view. You hadn't recognized it when Vita led you into the neighborhood. Curious, you stopped in your tracks to look into the dark forest, contemplating the dangers unknown within. Just as you were about to continue on your way the sound of tousled tree branches brought your attention upwards. The soft cooing of a dove reached your ears. Your eyes were met with a bird perched on the trees, looking down at you. Stark white feathers standing out amongst the greens and browns of the forest. As you were admiring the creature a flash of gold passed your vision.

In an instant the dove was replaced by a red mist.

Blood and gore splattered across the pavement in front of you with a audible squelch. This was followed slowly by pristine white feathers that landed calmly on top of the disgusting mess. It took a moment for your body and mind to catch up with what had just happened.

"Holy shit-!" You yelled, stepping away from the pile of sticky red mush. It was that bug stand again, it had to be. As the thought crossed your mind little white specs started emerging from the tree line. Sometimes you hated being right.

Instead of standing out in the open, dumbfounded, you bolted past the maggots and into the woods. You had to quickly take this fight somewhere normal people wouldn't get hurt. That was your first priority. The second was to avoid dying. Thanks to your adventure through the woods the other day, you had an idea. Using the dense trees and foliage as cover, you ran following a couple natural landmarks you remembered from the other day. You ran until you came upon a freshwater pond.

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