(Don't Fear) The Reaper Part: 3

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"Are stand users fucking magnets for each other or something?!" You really hoped you were wrong about this. Another part of you hoped you were right so you didn't look like a psycho when you eventually got to Vita's room. If you knew you'd be scaling the side of Sommar Vita's house today, you would have worn better shoes. After managing to avoid Harvey and Rodger by using Golden Soul, you weren't sure if or when the stand would come back. So, you decided to face the problem at its source. Which inevitably led to you clinging off the side of the user's house, in the rain, with nothing but the fear of God and wrath like Satan to keep you from letting go.


Sommar sighed before collapsing on his bed. Tonight didn't go anywhere near planned. He didn't want you to meet his father, he didn't want to taint the one good relationship he had with his family issues. The little breakdown he had in the driveway didn't help his confidence that you would stay friends. It was just like him. To break things. To destroy the few bonds he had. That was anxiety talking of course, but the dark thoughts were running rampant throughout his brain.

Vita held the back of his hand on his forehead, hopefully he wouldn't get a cold from sitting in the rain. It would be just his luck though. He'd missed almost half of the school year so far because of illnesses, and generally being too weak to get out of bed. However, he had been fairing much better as of late. Sommar liked going to school. Some parts of it anyway.

He never quite understood social cues, or how to follow them, but he tried his best.  He didn't understand why the other kids avoided him until they started calling him names. But he ignored them, or tried his best to do so. Sometimes he would lose his temper. He learned to embrace the so called 'freakishness' he was labeled with.

Sommar glanced at his alarm clock, seeing it was getting late. He slowly sat up, wobbling a little from lightheadedness. Despite his low mood, he decided to get ready for bed. Vita stopped at his bookshelf mid-way to the bathroom. He gently traced his finger across the book's spines before picking up a random one. There was a mix of American and Japanese comic books along with other genres in a multitude of languages, but he picked up a volume of Pink Dark Boy. Sommar liked superheroes, no matter where they came from. It was strange, comics gave him the feeling he could do anything, be anything. Despite his frail body, he wanted to help people, help his Umi, his brother, and put people like his stepfather in their place. That was one reason he liked you so much. You were strong and guarded, but selfless, and understanding. Just like a superhero. Sommar placed the book back where it belonged, deciding to go back to his original goal.

All of the bedrooms in the house had their own connected bathroom, and Sommar's was no different. As the boy brushed his teeth and proceeded with his nightly routine his gaze shifted over to a small wooden box sitting on the counter. Sommar decided to flip open the lid. Inside sat an intricate gold pendant, shaped like a beetle. A gift from his biological father. The only thing his father ever gave him.

Well... that wasn't completely accurate. Sommar was the name his biological father gave him.

He hated it.

The bastard, whoever he was, left Sommar's mother to take care of a sick four-year-old and an eleven-month-old by herself. Despite the time that had passed, Sommar still remembered his short life in Cairo. He remembered his mother's panicked expression when she found out Mannesh had been kidnapped by his own father, and taken all the way to Saudi Arabia. Sommar remembered how tightly his Umi held him during the time Mannesh was missing. He remembered getting the news his baby brother was safe and sound. He remembered how his mother told him to pack his things, and that they were moving away, somewhere his father would never find them again. He remembered the first time he met the man who would become his stepfather. He remembered the first time he heard his parents fight. He remembered all the times his stepfather got drunk after being on the water for weeks. He remembered every time his stepfather would hit his mother.

Sommar picked up the pendant and threw it across the bathroom. He hated his biological father just as much as his stepfather. Sommar never even met the man, but his actions seemed to echo in every aspect of his son's life.

Vita paused when he heard a frantic and violent banging come from his window. The boy paused before approaching the window and pulling aside the curtains.

"Holy-!" Vita jumped back when he was met with a very familiar and very soaked face.

"Let me in!" You yelled through the closed glass. Vita quickly complied, unlocking the window and clumsily helping you inside. "Well... I'm glad that's over with."

"D-did you climb up the wall?!" Vita asked, dumbfounded. Once both of your feet were firmly on the ground you let out a deep breath, still severely winded from the ordeal outside.

"That's beside the point!" Your eyes grew sharp as you grabbed Vita by his shirt collar. "Call off your stand!" You yelled.

"My...what?" Vita gave you a confused look as you glared at him.

"You heard me!"

"I r-really don't know what you're talking about!" Vita responded defensively. A gold aura started surrounding you as Golden Soul was summoned. Judging by the bright orange glow emitting from his person, and the awestruck expression that crossed his face upon seeing your own stand, you had a feeling Vita was the user you were looking for.

Before you could interrogate the boy any further, a blur of orange and bugs knocked you away from him. It was a mix of maggots, worms, and the two beetles.

"Call them off! I don't care what it takes just do it!" You knocked away what you could with Golden Soul, but you weren't going to last long. "I know its you controlling them!"

"I-!" Vita watched what was happening in an extreme state of shock, panic, and confusion.

"Sommar!" Everything going on in the room stopped at the sound of Vita's stepfather's yelling. Even the bugs. "What's going on in there!?" It sounded like he was just outside the door.

"Stall." You whisper shouted in a mix of pleading, warning, and threat.

"I just tripped." Vita responded uncertainly through his closed door. "I knocked over one of my shelves."

"Well pipe down!" The old sailor yelled. After hearing the man's retreating footsteps, the two of you breathed a sigh of relief.

"Y/n..." Vita looked your way. "What's going on here?"

"It's a long story." You groaned, watching the suddenly docile bugs retreat away from you and towards Vita. "How much time you got?"


Senora Jones looked out at the horrendous downpour outside with concern. The sun had set, and you still weren't home. Not even a phone call. You were going to be in so much trouble when you got home as long as she had anything to say about it. Despite her frustration with your disappearance, it was heavily shadowed by the worry gnawing at her bones.

You were her child. The only family she had. She stood by the window, keeping a sharp lookout for your form amongst the raindrops and flooding road.

She had been doing this a lot lately. Waiting and worrying. Maybe it was growing pains, but you had become more of a handful as of late. Acting strangely, more restless. Always late, or tired or hurt in some way. It was hard to watch. Especially as your mother. She wanted to pretend she didn't hear you tossing and turning in your sleep, or waking with a scream in the late hours of the night. She wanted to overlook the missing medical kit and band aids. If she asked, you would feign ignorance.

She wasn't dumb. She knew something was up. But she couldn't bring herself to interrogate you. Whatever you were hiding, it was for a good reason. She knew this because you never hid things from her. Even when you had just started living with her, you always told her what was on your mind or who was bothering you.

Senora Jones stared quietly out at the town, waiting, worrying, and wondering where you were.

She loved you, but when you pulled stunts like this it made her sick to her stomach with unease.

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