back on the grind.

Start from the beginning

"CLE-0." She said handing him a card "If your ever on Galvan-b I'm game for another round."

"Thanks Cleo." Ben said "Uh seriously though if something did happen..."

Ben held out his badge and she morphed her hand in it. "There. My house and my number if your ever on planet."

Ben looked and saw his contacts had a new one.

Ben got up and she had coated his body cleaning him off before dumping all the sweat into a biohazad container.

"I don't have know...diseases so-"

"Oh I know. Your system told me." CLE-0 said pointing to his arm "Such a charmer. Your bloods very quiet though."

"My blood nanites are just to act as extra cells." Ben said.

"Well they feel so good through your skin." She wiggled a bit. "All the warmth of organics and the motor of Mechamorphs."

"Stay safe with the evac." Ben said "I'll try to swing by Galvan-b version 2."

"Oh we aren't evacuating." She said.

"Uh the Highbreed-" Ben started till he was pressed between her chest.

"Shuush." CLE-0 said running her fingers through his hair "We're gonna turn the whole moon into a rocket and just push it through hyperspace."

"Cool." Ben said smacking her butt to let him breath. Getting a pink light in response.

"I gotta go before I lose another 24  hours." Ben said kissing her.

Azmuth Tower

Ben flew from Galvan-B and headed to Azmuth Tower. Decided to take the shuttle he saw Mechamorphs treating him like a hero and Galvans treating him like a monster.

Walking to the tower the Mechamorph opened the door with a bow. "Hey uh listen you aren't treating me like this out of fear right?"

"Certainly not good sir. You and Second Thinker took down one of the few things Galvan-B and Prime has argued for...oh 80 Galactic Quarters or so." The guard said.

"92.0714709 days Terran Time per Quarter...20 years and 2 months of trying to decide just to kill him?"

"Oh yes. We've tried incineration, acid, antimatter anything to get rid of him permanently and he always came back from the Master Helix. The council had taken him out of our custody just stop it. " the guard said "That badge on your chest means you put that wounded animal down because it was absolutely necessary and stopped him from ever haunting our little black and green marble again."

Ben was glad the Iso-Network was in Dr Wicked's Void Pouch when he left the ship or he was sure it would have been destroyed the moment it was found out what it was.

"Oh and about what I did to get the media off of me and Grey..." Ben started.

"Not to worry. Media isn't allowed to run opinion pieces like earth. They require the actual fact to make any confirmed claims and we Mechamorphs...well we'll keep things out of the Exo-Net as best we can."

Ben kept his face even as he gave a nod before entering the building.

"Murderer." "Monster."

"Savior!" "Hero!"

Ben sighed as he made it to Azmuth's lab.

Azmuth Prime had looked him in the eye, no glare no look of sympathy. The look of an equal. and said "I won't ask and I won't pry. Just tell me one thing. What did it cost?"

Helping Gwen 10Where stories live. Discover now