Francis Gets An Anxiety Attack

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Francis: *hyperventilating*

Mary: Dude, you okay?

Francis: No, I'm starting to panic!

Paul: You want a water?!

Francis: Yes!

Paul: *scrambles to the fridge and gets a bottle of Aquafina water and gives it to Francis* Here!

Francis: Thank you! *drinks the water*

Audrey: *wrinkling her nose* What's the matter with him?

Paul: Audrey, its okay. He just had an anxiety attack, that's all.

Mary: Yeah.

Audrey: What are you scared of?

Mary: Leave him alone.

Audrey: I asked you a question.

Paul: Just leave Francis alone! Scram!

Audrey: Answer when people speak to you! *walks away*

Mary: Jerk.

This story was written on Monday, March 13th, 2023.

A/N Poor Francis! What could have possibly triggered him to have an anxiety attack? I have severe anxiety too, so writing helps me cope. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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