If Only Forgetfulness Would Pay Attention

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Lawrence School

Kaplan Dr

Middletown, Connecticut

Students: *in the cafeteria getting lunch*

Forgetfulness: What's for lunch today?

Girl: Tuna. *gets her lunch tray, and sits down next to a boy*

Forgetfulness: *staring down at the floor*

Boy: Go!!!

Forgetfulness: Sorry!! *gets his lunch tray, and sits down with a girl*

Blonde Hair Girl: *eating her tuna sandwich, and drinking her chocolate milk*

Forgetfulness: *stares at her*

Blonde Hair Girl: What?

Forgetfulness: Want to be friends?

Blonde Hair Girl: I don't think so. Do you even go to this school? I haven't seen you around here before.

Forgetfulness: *eats his tuna sandwich* No, I'm just visiting. Want to hang out at recess?

Blonde Hair Girl: No. *drinks more of her chocolate milk*

Forgetfulness: *feels downtrodden*

Tracey: F, you got no business being here!! Get out of here!

Forgetfulness: I'm having lunch right now!

Tracey: *takes F's lunch tray, and dumps his food out into the garbage* Out! When I get you home, I'm beating you up!

Forgetfulness: *gets up and goes out the nearest exit*

Tracey: *follows him*

This story was written on Thursday, March 9th, 2023.

A/N Forgetfulness, pay attention! And you got no business trespassing on school grounds! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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