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Wsg i'm Ava and my life

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Wsg i'm Ava and my life......it's pretty chaotic. From the smiles to the cries to the heart breaks and the laughter with Shev. Shev's my best friend since day one and our behaviour together? Jheez you would think we smoke someone strong. We act like total crackheads round each other and we are INSEPARABLE like seriously. We drum into our heads our behaviour is okay but all you see is a bunch of goof balls. We laugh at almost EVERYTHING and we get detentions for it like where we are right now...

"Mane Granjer is a dick." Shev mumbled from beside me and I looked at her funny.

"Who's you? You can't talk to me I have a best friend." I mumbled and she pushed my head. 

"I'm serious Ava this is boring." She mumbled laying her head on the desk and I laid mine down too staring at her. 

"Your calling me boring?" I asked and she smacked her lips leaving me to smile. 

"Cmon let's see what boys on ig are sexy and ugly asf." I whispered and we both put a book up to act like we was reading even though the teacher was half asleep and headed to ig.

"Now that was the funniest shit ever." Someone yelled coming in and we both looked up and saw the '3 demons' of our school. They all annoy EVERYONE especially Ddot.

"BOYS! Fill out the slip and sit in silence." The teacher yelled right awake and they scoffed and took a slip and the teacher was back to half sleeping. 

Me and Shev paid no attention to those delulu kids and decided to look at each other and as usual we started laughing.

"Bro stop laughing." I mumbled and she hit me and I hit her right tf back. 

"Stop hitting me you dunce." I mumbled and she grabbed my neck.

"Try that again?" She asked and I smacked my lips.

"You and your gay behaviour tsk tsk tsk." I mumbled shaking my head and she pulled me closer and went to my ear.

"Them niggas watching youuuuu." She whispered and I pushed her away from me and crossed my arms. 

"Awe look at da wiw babyyyy." Shev mumbled and I slapped the bitch hard. 

"Dd look they fighting." Someone whispered and we both looked at each other before looking at them and we started laughing. 

"Mtch fighting ma ass they don't know how to fight." The same Dd kid whispered. 

Never seen this Dd kid only know Ddot and Notti since they both in my grade but him? He's just straight up disrespectful. Joking. Me, Ddot and Notti don't talk like that but they are in some classes with me and they are funny don't get me wrong but sometimes they take it way to far. Joking no one likes class anyway so when they get sent out it's back to being bored asf.

"Ha this nigga funny." Shev mumbled and I looked at her and started laughing. 

"Oh prove me wrong then." He mumbled and she looked at him while I paid no attention to the 2 and their lil engagement. Boys was not my thing.

"Yea sureeee. Ya friend real quiet after she was just laughing ha ass off." He mumbled and the side eye I gave this nigga was out of this world. 

"Yea you ain't wanna play with this one she'll fuck you up." Notti mumbled and I dapped him up. 

"Listen to ya mans." I mumbled and he smiled.

"Ma brother." He mumbled and ma head shot so fast think I broke something. 

"Brother?!" I yelled and the teacher shot up.

 "SILENCE!" He yelled and Ddot started laughing.

"Suck ma dick. Gay nigga." Dd mumbled and the teacher walked over and I slapped the book down so fast it was un real.

"Wanna try that again?" He asked and Dd held his nose.

"I said suck ma dick you gay nigga. You fr need a mint you breath kicks." He mumbled and we all started laughing.

 "That's another hour for the lot of you." He mumbled and Notti couldn't control himself.

"That's another hour for the lot of you. Like who the fuck talks like that? You from England or sum?" Notti asked saying 'England' in his best British accent.

"Your funny Reyes another 30 minutes." He whispered and Notti opened his mouth to say something else but Ddot's hand covered it. 

"Don't." He whispered and Notti slumped in his chair while the teacher went back to sleep.

"Anyway I won't say it was nice talking to you because it really wasn't so bye." I mumbled grabbing my stuff and Shev did the same and they looked at us weird. 

"Your leaving?" Dd asked and I nodded.

"Ain't no bitch staying in....this." I mumbled and he smiled. 

"Coo hit me up later." He mumbled and I looked at Shev and she looked me and we started laughing. 

"Yeaaaaa rightttttttt." I mumbled walking out and we nearly died of laughing once we got outside...............

Da Baddest.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora