Leaning out of the window, I was grateful for the AK instead of a pistol or SMG. Swerving through traffic, heart racing, I did all I could to prevent the van from catching up and taking aim. Suddenly, my phone rang, breaking the surreal moment.

"Yes?!" I shouted as the phone automatically picked up the call and JJ's voice came over the speakers.

"Sarge, are you all right? We lost the call."

"No I'm not fucking all right JJ, the white van is full of hostiles and they're fucking shooting at us. Now stop fucking distracting me, I'm trying to do my job."

Our little duel continued for miles, ramming them whenever they got close. I wanted to be cautious with civilians around, but I had a 'package' and didn't want to be shot at. Unfortunately, the long stretch of the M4 made it difficult to lose them.

I finally had an idea and clipped their hood with my truck. As they swerved, hitting the barrier in the central reservation, I sharply turned the wheel to the left, ignoring the screeching brakes and honking horns.

We skidded onto the slip road, escaping to the safety of Leigh Delamere Motorway Services. Avoiding the car park, I drove to the bus and truck section, parking between two large trucks to hide. I then kicked out the shattered windshield and checked on my passenger.

"Are you okay back there, Miss Armstrong, any injuries?"

She looked up at me, just a hint of terror in those brown eyes that were back again, and shook her head. I leaned back in my seat and pushed her around roughly checking her over for wounds. She winced as I grabbed her wrist.

"Get the fuck off me!"

So, the scared little girl has suddenly disappeared to be replaced by the bitch again; fuck's sake, try to do someone a favor and see how you're rewarded. Damn, she pisses me off.

"Shut up and listen to me, I don't have time for your shit. Your father asked me to get you to London safely and I'll do that if I can. I need to know that you're okay. Now, what's wrong with your damn wrist?"

"N-nothing, I think I've sprained it, that's all."

"Right, fine." I dug around in the glove box and dragged out the first aid kit I'd spotted when I'd got the car last night, "strap it up with something in here then keep quiet."

"Have we lost them? We'll be safe here, won't we? They wouldn't try anything somewhere so public, would they?"

"Miss, these people attacked us in broad daylight on a public road. I doubt they'd have any compulsion not to pull up next to us in front of Scotland fucking Yard and riddle us with bullets. If this is the organization that your father told me about, they have no fear of dying."

"We'll hold up here for a bit,", I continued, trying to change the topic, "I think we're safe now but let's not risk it, yeah?" I looked at her and saw her eyes closed as she was shaking on the back seat.

Carefully, I took hold of her arm and felt my way along the soft skin from her forearm to her hand. The wrist was certainly swollen and looked painful but I didn't think it was broken.

"I think you'll live," I said, as I strapped it up with the small roll of bandage that every first aid kit seems to have for some reason, the one that's never usually used.

"How the fuck are you staying so calm?" she asked weakly as I stuck down the bandage with a roll of tape. "They were trying to kill us."

"Practice," I replied, matter-of-factly.

"Are you okay, now? Will you be okay here on your own for a bit? I need to go recon the area, make sure we're clear."

I got a small grimace as a response; satisfied that she was at least physically fine, I told her to keep still and stay down.

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