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Author's Note
Before anything else let's clear it out that it's an imaginative fictional story. Taekook are the main characters because I love them so much. If you happen to have read this fiction on instagram don't think I'm copying someone's work because that's not the case. Read the story before accusing or assuming that it's copied by me.

And it's a LGBT content so if you don't support it don't read it.

So here you all go enjoy reading


A boy was listening to the news and another was sitting on the couch checking his files


Jimin.....(no response)

???:Jimin??(look at Jimin)

??? look confused about why Jimin is silent then he moved his eyes towards TV and saw him listening to news with so much interest ??? shake his head and then keep his hands on Jimin's left hand make Jimin flinch cause of sudden touch

Jimin: yahh!!why the hell you scared me

???:I was calling you but you didn't hear me

Jimin:tell me what you want??

???:hmm I wanted to tell you that we have a meeting with our foreign clients so make sure there wouldn't be any problem Jimin:yeah yeah between when is the meeting

???:at 12 noon

Jimin:in this summer at 12 noon really (disbelief)

???: what can I do in this??(checking his files)

Jimin pout and again looked at TV and heard a name which he never heard maybe and ??? also look up from his files after hearing the news or more like a name

In News

JJK industry's CEO Mr Jeon Jungkook donated 500 million in orphanage and Mr Jeon Jungkook was ownered with an award for being the responsible and hard working CEO and he is youngest CEO in the business world *I don't know about these things so just imagine ok*

News Ended

???:Jeon Jungkook (mumbled to himself)

Jimin:oh god his looks are no jokes(fanboying while looking at JK's picture which was showing on the news)

Jimin: Taehyung please set any deal with him I badly want to see him in real oh god I will faint if he(Jimin was getting excited and was jumping on the couch making Taehyung irritated)

Tae:for the god sake Jimin stop jumping like a monkey

Jimin stopped jumping and spoke

Jimin:if I'm monkey than you are donkey

Tae:you...you called me donkey???(disbelief)

Jimin:yeah I did got any problem Kim Taehyung (ask with a tight smile)

Tae:I think Jimin you are forgetting something then let me remind you that even if you are my friend I still can kill you within a second

Jimin: yahh!!you dumbshit you wouldn't(glare)

Tae: then shut up and behave like humans

Jimin:you...you(stopped as he doesn't know what to say)

Tae:let's go or we will get late for the meeting

Jimin got up lazily as he doesn't want to go

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