Why can't my parents see?!

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I overhead their conversation about me earlier. Here's how it went:

"Someone needs to tell her to stop wasting all her time, I'm really worried that she won't succeed."
"I agree. All she does is draw, go out with her friends, goes on her phone and watches TV. I'm really disappointed in her."
"Her siblings are doing better than her. She's probably going to end up being the disappointment of the family."
"Yeah. I regret letting her do art as a subject. I should've just chosen her subjects for her. She's never going to get anywhere in life, but I don't know how to tell her..."

I stopped listening. So my parents really do think of me as a disappointment. Great. Fantastic, even.

All of my success during my academic life has literally been disregarded all because I do art as a subject. Just because I do art, doesn't mean I can't also be a high achiever! Remember that time I got an A on that one test? Remember, mom? Remember??

{Get a grip. Because getting one A is so impressive. You know you can do so much better than that. You're being lazy. Come on, girl, you are able to do so much more. You can literally have whatever you want. Just. Go. Study.}

Patience. My parents have such low expectations for me. They are so wrong. I'm going to succeed. I'm not going to tell them how much I'm studying, or how well I'm doing in school. Yeah, they'll see me wasting my time, but quietly, behind the scenes, I'm going to do whatever it takes to be that girl. The daughter they've always dreamed of. Strive for perfection. I don't care if they get me any gifts when I do well; the best gift is the shocked looks on their faces when they realise they should've had high expectations for me. Because I am a high achiever.

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