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Ruon's POV:

Dex and I teleport to the pizzeria. The walls are so shiny. I wasn't too scared, I was just... nervous for his reaction. If he's anything like our Freddy, he might kill us. I brought a gun. Dex doesn't know.
"Ready Ru?" Dex asks.
I nod.
He knocks loudly on the portal-room door. My mom took me here once.
"Who is it?" A gravely voice asks.
"Uh, Dex?" Dex stands back.
The door swings open.
"'Ello Dex. Ru." Freddy nods at us, "Whatcha need? Gas money?" He chuckles.
We look at him confused.
"Sorry... I used to make that joke with... never mind." He shakes his head, "What can I get cha?"
"We have....news." I state, my voice shaking.
"And Fox didn't text it to me?" He laughs, "I haven't gotten her weekly update."
"What was the last thing she sent you?" Dex asks.
Freddy hands Dex his phone.

Fox-Girl: Hey Jer, listen. I don't know how
                 this mission will go. I just want to
     say that I love you guys and will
    be home as soon as I can. See ya.

Dex stares at it for a long time.

"She.... She didn't make it back, did she?" Freddy sighs.
"No, Mom... Mom didn't get the chance..." My eyes swell with tears.
"What do you mean?" Freddy asks calmly.
"Bonnie." Dex states, he goes to speak again, but Freddy goes through the portal.
"Aw shit!" Dex rushes through the black abyss.
"Every goddamn time." I sigh and sit against the wall waiting for their return.

Bonnie's POV:

"BONNIE" I hear my name angrily yelled through the hallways.
"Aw crap." My ears fall to the back of my head.
"What?" Illoha asks.
"You little shit." Freddy storms over.
"Oh." Illoha's eyes go wide and scoots away from me.
"H-Heya p-pal!" I stutter.
"You kill Foxete?" He shoves me into the wall.
"N-Not directly... p-pal!" I try to push him off of me.
"Don't call me 'pal' Bonnie." Freddy growls at me.
"Freddy calm down." Dex runs in out of breath.
"He killed my friend. He is responsible for most of the tragedy's in your crew and you don't think he deserves it?" Freddy laughs.
"No, he does." Illoha sighs, "Just not so..."
"Aggressive?" Dex finishes. Freddy let's go of me.
"Hypocrite. You were cheating on her!" I snap.
"That's different!" Her face flushes blue, "That's none of your business!"
"So is everyone here just a bunch of assholes?" Freddy laughs, "God."
He crosses the room toward Illoha.
"This is just sad. She loved you. More than you'd ever know." He towers over her.
He walks over to Dex and sticks out his hand.
Dex takes it and they shake.
"You are welcome in the pizzeria anytime. Her royal-pain-in-the-ass and Killer-Bunny cannot." He states.
"Fair." Dex nods, "Also Ru is still in the pizzeria."
"That's fine. I'll talk to him for awhile. He probably needs a break anyways." Freddy sighs.
"Sounds good, Freddy." Dex nods.
"Have a good one, Dex." Freddy leaves.

We all sit in awkward silence.

I really am a horrible friend.

(530 words)

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