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Screams of women and children would awaken Moselle from her sleep. She would be awakened by the most gut-wrenching screams that would bring her out of her bed and out of her room.

As she rushed to the entrance of her home, she expected to run out to crowds of people in her town. Only it wasn't. Instead of being in the familiar surroundings of her small island town, she would run out of her small home and be surrounded by trees. Huge palms with large leaves so big she could barely make out the night sky above her. Moselle realized she was in some kind of jungle that seemed to go on forever in all direction she looked. Instead of being worried she could possibly get lost in this wilderness; she felt at peace, like she had been here before.

Screams brought Moselle back to attention. She ran towards the cries as fast as she could. Moselle ran barefoot through the thick brush, stepping on rocks and branches, surely cutting her feet in the process. No matter how much it pained her she kept running to the screams. When she ran through a thicker brush, she made it to a clearing and was welcomed to soft sands touching her feet so soft she could have sworn she touched clouds, the sounds of waves crashing in front of her, she watched briefly as they crashed against the shore letting the waters spread among the sand.

Before thinking more of it a sound to her left brought her back from her thoughts. She turned towards the crackling noise and was met with a horrific sight.

Fire, a huge fire as tall as the trees of the jungle.

Screams came from the fire as people ran from the flames. Huts burning to the ground, with people trapped inside. Cries of children who lost their parents standing in terror not knowing what to do. Moselle stared at the people who were covered in the fire and ran to the ocean to put the flames out.

All she could do was stare; she couldn't move her body it was like her body fought to move but to no avail. Standing there unable to move Moselle's attention went back to the burning huts. As she stared a silhouette could be made out walking out of the fire.

"Hey! Get out of there before you are burned!" she yelled.

She squinted her eyes at the bright flames to see if she can make out this figure walking out of the fire seeming unbothered by it. As she stared the figure got closer to her and she realized it was a woman. A beautiful woman. Her long white hair hangs down her shoulders, small shells hold some of her hair back from her diamond shaped face, piercing green eyes as green as jade. As the mysterious women got closer you could see her white and gold robe that passes her feet are singed from the fires that surround them.

Moselle almost didn't want to stare at her for the mysterious woman was so beautiful. Then, before Moselle realized it the woman was facing her, staring deep into Moselle's blue eyes. Moselle dared not to look away for she feared she would anger the women. Then the women would open her mouth to speak..but no words would come out of her mouth. Moselle was met with more screams that got louder and more blood curdling as the seconds passed.

Moselle would just stare in horror.

The once beautiful women, who's haunting screams become more choked as she started to melt away and turn into a black liquid that would pool to Moselle's feet.

As she stared into the black liquid, not being able to move, she heard a bone chilling voice call out to her. She would try to listen to the voice to hear what it is saying, but it is a language she cannot understand. The voice said the same words over and over again chanting them.

"U satal pertenece u kiimile"

Part of her was drawn to the voice, the black pool that moved on its own. She reached her arm out to touch the liquid, but another voice called out to her, she looked up to see a dark figure in the distance running to her in panic. The figure seemed to be a man the way he was built, Mosselle couldn't make out his face; but she could hear him clear as day which made her panic. "Run!". Then a huge demonic hand sprung out of the black and grabbed hold of Moselle's wrist, Moselle..no matter how hard she tried couldn't free herself as the hand drags her into the black, empty liquid. Her screams would only be met with silence being released from her mouth as she is pulled in. Those words get louder and speak faster as she's being pulled in. She reaches for the mysterious man who was just a few feet from her now, Moselle frantically trying to reach out for his extended arm he held out to her. Just before their fingers made contact..

...She would wake up flinging her arms and legs like she was still being dragged by that hand she was desperate to get away from. She looked around wildly. She was back in her home on her bed. No jungle was around her, no fire, no man, nothing. She was safe.

"It was a dream? But it felt so real.", she choked out to herself.

Her throat dry from her heavy breathing. Heart pounding so hard she thought it would burst from her chest. Moselle drenched in sweat that would cause a chill on her skin from the night breeze that came from her open window.

As she calmed her breathing, she stared out her window at the ocean she loves so much the sky still dark with the beginnings of red hues painting over the rim of it. The sun was coming up. The salty sea smell wafting up to her nostrils, calming her nerves and she focused on her breathing like her mother taught her too whenever she had a night terror. As she calmed down, she felt a sting on her wrist. As she lifted her arm to inspect it, she expected a small scratch from all the flailing she did when she awoke.

As she looked up at her wrist, she could feel her heart drop to her stomach. The color of her skin goes white.

On her wrist was a perfect bruise beginning to form around it, the same wrist that was grabbed in her nightmare. She thought maybe she did this to herself until she saw how big the bruise was forming. It covered almost her entire wrist and the middle of her arm.

No way her hands could do that. Not human hands anyway.

"How is this possible?" she thought frantically.

As she collected her thoughts before they spiraled out of control, she glanced out her window to see the sun coming out of the ocean. The morning sun has made its appearance over the ocean taking away the dark night skies. Her home started to come to life down the hallway as she could hear her papa moving around their kitchen.

Grabbing her handkerchief she wrapped it around her wrist to hide from her dad. Moselle would have to put on a brave face and forget about her bruise for now.

Drawn from WaterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant