the future (tom holland fluff)

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cw: alludes to sex

"Come on darling," Tom said, pulling you up the hill.

"Tom," you laughed, "you're gonna make me fall."

"Well then come on, love," he said, dropping your arm to book it up the hill. You rolled your eyes with a shake of your head and took long strides to catch up to him. When you got to the top of the hill Tom was laying down looking up at the sky. He placed his hand over his eyes to block the sun as he looked up at you and reached up at you with grabby hands.

"You're being so needy today," you pointed out with a laugh taking one of his hands. You let out a small shriek followed by a giggle as he pulled you down onto him.

"Tommy," you laughed as he flipped you guys over so he was hovering over you, "what has gotten into you?"

"Just love you, that's all," he said peppering kisses all over your face before placing his lips on yours.

"I" kiss. "Love" kiss. "You" kiss.

"I love you too Tom," you smiled against his mouth before he fell into his place beside you. He laced his fingers into yours, pulling your hand up to his lips and laying your intertwined hands on his chest.

"Look, that cloud kinda looks like a bunny," you said pointing towards the sky making Tom chuckle.

"How?" he laughed.

"Babe," you huffed pushing your body closer to his, "That's the head and then the ears and then- well okay I guess the body looks a little funky but there's definitely a tail."

"You're so beautiful, ya know that?" he asked. You smacked his chest lightly and looked over at him to see he was already looking at you.

"What? I can't help it. You're a little distracting, darling." You rolled your eyes yet again and you both let silence take over just enjoying each other's presence. You looked over at Tom, a loving smile on your face. You squeezed his hand gently three times and he looked over at you with hooded eyes, taking his other hand to caress your cheek.

"You ever think about the future sometimes?"

"All the time love," he answered softly.

"Does it include me?"

"I wouldn't want it any other way," he replied with no hesitation, a smile on his lips.


"Of course."

"Where would we live? Would we stay in London?" You asked, repositioning your body to lay on your side, head leaning onto your hand and keeping your other hand intertwined with Tom's.

"Hmm London's always good, as long as you're there with me, I don't care where we go," he assured.

"You're such a sap, I think the area we're in now is nice, and it's nice to be so close to our families, and the boys of course."

"True, but I know you've also wanted a country house."

"With a fireplace and-"

"And high ceilings," he finished making you laugh slightly, "Kids?"

"Of course. How many?"

"4," he answered.

"4?!" you exclaimed making him laugh, "Tommy that's so many."

"My first answer was 5 but I knew you would never go for it," he chuckled.

"I was thinking two, three is pushing it," you answered with a giggle.

"We're gonna have the cutest kids," he sighed.

"I can't argue with that," you shrugged, " I hope we break the Holland curse."

"Me too, I'm sure 4 boys wasn't the easiest on my mum," he laughed.

"Can we get another dog too? Tessa will need a friend."

"Of course, love. Wouldn't want Tess to be left out."

"We need to start a tradition too. Like Sunday breakfast," you started.


"Perfect," you whispered, tears filling your eyes as you looked at him.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked, his eyes filling with worry.

"Nothing, I just really, really love you. I'm really excited for our future Tommy."

"Me too, love," he said, pulling you closer to him so your head was laying on his chest. He pressed soft kisses into your hair before pushing his hand into his pocket to grab for the velvet box.

"Marry me," he whispered. You turned your head up towards him with furrowed brows.

"What?" you asked softly.

"Marry me," he repeated, placing his hand on the side of your face, "I knew from our first date that I wanted you to be my wife. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to live in the countryside with high ceilings and a fireplace. With 4 children-"

"2," you interrupted with a sniffle and a light laugh.

"We'll discuss that later love. I want pancake breakfasts every Sunday and most of all I want to wake up every morning with you by my side. So Y/n Y/l/n will you marry me?" Tom finished pulling the box from his pocket, You nodded instantly.

"Yes, yes, yes," you nodded, sitting up to press your lips against his. He broke apart from you to place the ring on your finger. You pressed your lips onto his again.

"I love you, Tommy," you whispered.

"I love you, my future wife."

"Whatda say we go start working on breaking the Holland curse?" you suggested, making a mischievous look flash in his eyes. He stood up quickly and threw you over his shoulder causing a light scream from you.

"Tom!" you shrieked with a giggle as he ran down the hill, "you better not drop me!"

"I would never," he assured, giving your ass a light tap before leading you to the car.

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