thick and thin (tom holland angst to fluff)

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cw: cheating, asshole tom for a bit

Moving in with your best friends always seems like a great idea until you fall in love with one of them and they break your heart into tiny pieces.

You had met the Hollands when you still had baby teeth and could barely pronounce your 'r's' and you instantly clicked with the oldest brother Tom. Ever since the day, your moms forced you to have a play date with each other, you had been attached at the hip, making your way through school together. You didn't have many other friends but you never minded, Tom was always someone you could count on when you needed him.

Fast forward to high school, senior year to be exact: the moment you first knew you had feelings for Tom. You had just gotten out of yet another failed relationship, and Tom snuck into your room to watch movies and just be there for you. When you looked over at him, noticing the way the tv made his brown eyes shine, the way his hair made you want to run your hands through it, and his lips that were curled up in the corners from the scene that was playing, yeah that's when you knew.

But then, high school graduation, and Spiderman. Oh, Spiderman. You were happy for Tom, really, but your heart felt as heavy as the tears fell down your cheeks as you watched him walk onto the plane. You texted and called of course, but it just wasn't the same. While he was away, Harry had the idea of moving in together. Of course, you said yes not wanting to miss the opportunity to live with your best friends, so you started packing right away.

You started seeing the pictures of Tom and Zandaya surfacing all over, leading you to fall down the dark social media rabbit hole of all the "evidence" of their relationship. He would tell you, right? After headaches and sleepless nights, Tom finally confirmed in an interview that he was in fact not dating her and if you were being honest, you were elated. You knew you had to tell Tom how you felt the second he came home.

So you did, and it was single-handedly the best decision you had ever made. He was the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for. He was sweet and considerate. You were supportive of each other, you with his acting, and him with your uni work. It didn't take you long to move into his room, two days to be exact. You had known each other for so long, neither of you were worried about moving too fast. Falling asleep next to each other, being together, loving each other, felt easy.

Everything was great. 3 years passed quickly, Tom's career was skyrocketing, and you were getting close to your graduation, nothing could be better right? Then why did you feel like everything was suddenly falling apart? You and Tom had been fighting, more times than to blame it on some stress. It seemed like every little thing sparked into a fire between the two of you, and more than not you slept back to back letting your angry thoughts lull you to sleep.

This time it was the volume of the tv. You had been studying for your exams that were coming up so you made your way to your shared room to be in the quiet, rather than in the middle of the mess of four boys. However, Tom insisted that he had to watch the new episode of Wandavision in your room because the boys wanted to use the main tv downstairs to play video games. You reluctantly agreed, not that you really had a choice, and tried your best to block out the noise of the tv. You noticed Tom kept messing with the remote out of your peripheral, gradually clicking up the volume and you were fully convinced it was to get under your skin. It was definitely working, as you lost your focus on your notes, the fire slowly igniting.

"Can you turn that shit down? I'm trying to study," you snapped.

"And I'm trying to watch this. There's plenty of other rooms," he replied without hesitation, his eyes never leaving the screen.

"I was in here first," you deadpanned.

"Okay? And I told you I wanted to watch this," he shrugged. You sighed, closing your eyes to take a deep breath.

Holland, Osterfield and Peter Parker Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें