falling asleep on facetime tom holland

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Time zones suck, to put it lightly. You and Tom were both off filming separate projects in separate countries. He had been in Spain for a little over a week before you had gotten the news that you would be filming in the states. You didn't have a choice in the matter but knowing that you were going to be over 4,000 miles away and 6 hours behind the love of your life for at least 3 months, made a lump grow in your throat.

Being away from him while you were in London was hard enough but now, going to an unfamiliar state without him attached to your hip, well that was even worse. Once you had arrived you and Tom had quickly fallen into the routine of calling twice a day: once in the morning and once at night. It felt strange at first because while you were up and getting ready for your day, Tom was cuddling into his sheets, his eyes growing heavier by the second. You both got used to it after two weeks of the new habit and tried your best to text throughout the day.

Some days were definitely harder than others, however, like the day you missed your 2-year anniversary. (Tom definitely had flowers sent to set though). When you watched him go to sleep as you got your makeup done, you wanted nothing more than to be there with him. But you were actors and you had jobs to do, so no matter how hard it was to be apart you knew it had to be done.

"Hi baby," you greeted shooting Tom a lazy grin.

"Good morning darling," he smiled cheekily, watching as you cuddled into your blankets. You rolled your eyes playfully and yawned.

"I'm just warning you, I'm not gonna last long tonight I'm sleepy."

"Long day?" he asked with a tilt of his head. You nodded.

"Yeah, we filmed a lot of the more emotional scenes and the girl I was working with kept forgetting her lines so we had to do a ton of takes so I'm drained," you told him, stifling another yawn.

"I miss you," you sighed, readjusting your phone to reposition yourself underneath your blankets. You pulled them up to your chin and watched Tom as he got ready for his day.

"I miss you love," he smiled, "Babe I forgot to tell you but-" Tom started rambling about something he had forgotten to tell you that happened on set, and as much as you tried to listen you found yourself dozing off.

"Also we went Jet Skiing and you would have loved it! Maybe when we both are done filming we can come back out here or something for vacation?" he asked. He furrowed his eyebrows at your lack of response.

"Baby?" he asked, focusing all his attention on the screen.

"Darling?" He placed his phone up to his ear, hearing your steady breathing, clueing him in that you were asleep. He couldn't stop the smile that was forming on his lips. He couldn't even be mad that you had fallen asleep while he was talking. He wanted nothing more than to be cuddled up next to you, your breath fanning out onto his neck as you nuzzled yourself deeper into him. God did he fucking miss you.

"I know you're asleep but I just want you to know that I miss you. So much," he sighed, "I dream about you all the time and you better be dreaming about me, love. I don't know what I'd do without you, baby. Thank you for loving me, and sticking by my side. I know it's hard right now but I know us and we'll get through it." Tom nodded to himself and he heard someone call his name outside of his trailer.

"I guess this concludes our talk of the day, I have to go to set now but, I love you with everything I got baby. Sweet dreams my love," he said with a small lovesick grin on his lips before blowing you a kiss and hanging up the phone.

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