can't say no (dad!tom)

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Olivia June Holland was possibly the biggest daddy's girl anyone had ever seen. With her big brown eyes and her perfect pout, it was easy for her to get whatever she wanted. She had Tom wrapped around her tiny finger, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

It wasn't that Liv didn't love you, she did very much, she just knew that when she wanted something- anything it was much easier to get it from her father. In fact, when she was born it was like the word 'no' poofed from his vocabulary. You had talked to him multiple times about the importance of telling Olivia no but with one look and a "daddy please" from his little girl, he knew he was toast.

Number one

Tom had decided to take a long break from filming to be with his girls, and he was loving every second of it. On this particular night, you had a late night at work. You stepped away from the office to call Tom to let him know you wouldn't be home until late and to not worry about fixing your dinner and to make sure he and Olivia ate. He had one rule to follow: no sweets before dinner.

"I mean it, Tommy," you said sternly.

"Babbyyy, there's no need to worry. I got this," he said, making you sigh.

"Okay, I love you, give Liv a kiss for me."

You and Tom always spent your Sunday evenings meal prepping to make the week easier, so his job was easy. All he had to do was warm up the prepped pasta which was Liv's favorite so it should be a breeze. He set his five-year-old into her booster seat at the table and pushed her chair in.

"'S good lovie?" he asked tilting his head to look at her.

"Yeah 's good daddy, tank you," she responded with a toothy smile that made Tom's heart grow.

"Mummy made your favorite Liv," he said, placing the small plate in front of her.

"Daddy?" she asked looking up at him.

"Yeah bug?"

"Can we have ice cream for dinner?"

"Liv your mum said no sweets before dinner," he explained, already feeling his heartache.

"But daddyyyyy," she whined, "mumma's not here. Pwease." She jutted out her bottom lip and pulled out her puppy eyes and Tom was sure he melted right then and there.

"Okay love, but not one word to your mum," he said, giving in, making her cheer. Somehow, unsurprisingly, she had coaxed Tom into putting chocolate syrup and extra sprinkles onto the ice cream. Tom scraped the cold spaghetti into the trash to erase the evidence and washed all the dishes as the sugar rushed through Olivia's veins. She jumped around on the couch, like a walking tornado and as it was nearing her bedtime, Tom tried to calm her down but nothing would work.

He heard the key in the front door and his eyes widened as he tried to quickly pick up the mess Liv had made.

"Mummy!" Liv screamed, launching herself at you.

"Hi bug," you laughed lightly, hugging her tightly, "What are you doing up?"

"Not sleepy Mumma," Liv said wiggling out of your grasp to continue running around and your eyes widened as you finally realized the state of your living room.





"Holland, what happened?"

"Listen, I really tried to get her to bed but then she was everywhere at once and then it looked like this." You sighed at his response.

Holland, Osterfield and Peter Parker OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora