bullies aren't something to cry over | Rottmnt Boys + April & Casey

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req on tumblr: Hello (*'∇')ノ how are you doing?? If i may request reader (female) x all turtles +april (and do you accept Caesy jr? It's okay of you don't) in HC?

It's about reader getting bullied in school or workplace & they comfort her to feel better and they - turtles - get revenge by targeting the bullies. Something like fluff & angst

also A/N i didn't really 'target' the bullies, i kinda just made the guys threaten them, lmaoo

anyways, please enjoy <3

reader's pronouns are she/her

warnings are fluff, angst? highschool being a pain in your a$$


Leo doesn't know much about high school. I leam, Aoril talks about how much work you need to put your mental health aside, but Leo finds that stupid. He notices you stay at home more often instead of coming to the lair with April after school. He asks April about you,, but she's unsure why you're distancing yourself away from everyone. She assumed you just had lots of homework.

At first, Leo thought that too, until he decided it was time to pay you a visit. He enters your unlocked bedroom window and finds you on the bed, you were cuddled under the blankets while small sniffles escaped your lips. He snuck up behind you and poked your side. You just whimpered as you covered your head. "Y/N?" He asked, poking your sides again. "Are you okay?" You didn't respond, but he noticed the way your body trembled from his touch.

He grinned to himself before digging his three digits into your sides. Moments passed and you burst out into laughter, kicking your leg and blankets up into the air as you tried to grab Leo's hand. Unwillingly, a large smile formed on your face. "There's my beautiful baby!" he chuckled, stopping his attack as he scooted you over, taking up the rest of your bed. He wrapped your his arms around you and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong, princess?" He asked and you started to explain these other girls and their boyfriends made fun of you because, well people suck. He stayed quiet for a moment before planting a kiss on your temple,

"And you listen to those jerks? Do I need to come and show them who they're messing with? Because you and I know I will portal there in less than 2 seconds."

You laughed, refusing his 'joking' offer and he smiled, "You know I would, just for you."


Donnie was the first to notice your distress. It started a couple weeks before you told him. You walked into the lair and into his lab ignoring Mikey's greeting. You never ignore Mikey's greetings. You entered his lab and collapsed on his back, thank god he was wearing his battle shell, otherwise, he would have drop-kicked you out of reflex.

He said nothing as he continued to work, but he did acknowledge your presence by giving your head a quick kiss before you left. Donnie now found you on your couch after he called you 10 times but you didn't pick up. "Why have you been ignoring my calls, Y/N? Something's been bothering you the last couple of weeks, and don't you give me that look- you and I know you've been acting shitty."

Donnie spoke, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall that entered your living room. Before he could react, you started to burst into tears, sobbing into your pillow. Donnie stood there, his arms uncrossed. He'd never seen you cry like this before. Heck, he's never seen you cry so he never learned how to comfort you whilst crying. H awkwardly began to walk towards your figure, sitting down next to you and rubbing your back gently, softly letting out 'sshh's' as you sobbed. Moments later you snuggled up next to him and he asked what happened in the sweetest tone ever. You explained these boys were making fun of ( any specific part of your body that you hate, ex. freckles. ) and Donnie sighed.

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