12 ▪︎ geography

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time skip to a week later


my alarm goes off. 6:30am. school. so excited to be in a place where no one gives a fuck about you, they only care about themselves.

i'm slightly late today but i've been later, so i don't really care.
i get to school and walk into my first class, geography.

"miss hallowes, you're late again for the 3rd time this week. where have you been?" my teacher asks as soon as i step into the room.
"drug store"
"i'm sorry?" he questioned.
"what? you asked. and i'm joking, calm your beans." i said, sitting down at my desk.

he looked at me in disaproval, and went back to his teaching. some of the class were snickering at my joke. one of which being billie, to my surprise. i never really took a look at who was in my class before, so i never noticed her.

after what felt like a million hours, the bell rang. as i was packing up my stuff, i felt someone tap my shoulder. i turned round to see who it was, since no one ever talked to me.

"hey. sick joke you made earlier. sir looked astonished, hella funny." billie said.
"thanks" i said, smiling at her. "i didn't know you were in this class?"
"i've been here all year. you just never look around, from what i've observed."
"oh yeah haha" i reply awkwardly, while swinging my backpack onto my back.

"i gotta get to my next class. see ya" i say.
"wait also do you want to be friends again? i kinda figure you're kinda lonely here." she says quickly.
"i'd love to. you have my number so text me whenever" i agreed.
"ok, bye" billie said.
i gave her a wave and walked out the door.

she wants to be friends with me huh? time to make a fool of myself and get too attached, then she leaves me. again. just like everyone else. i'm "too depressed" they always say, and don't want to be around me. it's not like i can help it. my brain is chemically imbalanced, but it seems to me like they're imbalanced in general.

but i have hope with her this time. she seems like she genuinely cares about me, which is odd. she did find me laid in the middle of a street, probably knowing what my intentions were, but besides that. one thing i know for sure is she can't save me. you can't save someone who doesn't wanna be saved, and that's a fact.

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