21 ▪︎ you're alive

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it's been a week and she hasn't woken up. i've had no call from the hospital and i even went in a few days ago and they said they had no updates. i plan to go in today.


"there's a high chance she'll wake up within the next few days, possibly even today" the doctor tells me after i asked him about gabriella.

thank god. it's been too long without her.

~gabriella's pov~

i wake up to a bunch of beeping and people talking. where am i? what happened? the light is too bright in here, i can barely open my eyes.

"she's awake!" i hear someone call.

yeah no shit.

after my eyes have adjusted to the light, i take a look around the room. white walls, many machines. all hooked up to me.

a nurse walks in.

"you have someone waiting to see you. would you like me to let them in?" she says.

i know exactly who that will be.

"sure" i reply.

and as i expected, in comes the blue hair girl.

"billieee" i say.
"gabby i'm so so glad youre awake!!" billie exclaims.
"what happened?" i say. i literally don't have a clue where i am.

"we'll get to that later but you just woke up from a coma." she says. "it feels like its been years you were in it and i missed seeing your pretty face" she says. i feel my cheeks get hot.

a nurse breaks our conversation, saying she needs to check my vitals. she says that billie can stay in the room though, which i quite like.

a/n: this chapter is pretty short cause idk what to write 😭
the next chapters will move more and have more ✨️drama✨️.
im taking advantage of my euphoric state rn having the motivation to write

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