19 ▪︎ waiting room

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i swear i've been sat here for hours. watching people come and go, doctors and nurses in every direction. some wheeling beds, some carrying stuff.

is she okay? i think i've been here for a good 2 hours. and still absolutely no news.

before i can think any further, a doctor approaches me.

"you're here for gabriella hallowes, is that correct?" he questions me.
"yes i am" i reply, fidgiting with my rings afraid of what i'm about to hear.

"i'm afraid to tell you that she is in a coma. we thought it would be best for her. she will wake up within the next few days" he continues, "if you can tell me your phone number i will update you as soon as she wakes up. for the moment only family are allowed to visit during visiting times though." he informs me. "speaking of family, do you know of any of her close relatives?" the doctor asks me.
"i don't sorry" i tell him honestly.

i don't know much about gabriella's home life anymore so i won't do anything i'm not sure of.

"it's all well then. thank you for calling the ambulance, if she stayed untreated for much longer we would have lost her. anyway, i better go but if you have any questions let me know."

"ok thank you" i say, and he walks off.

coma? a coma? the hell is that? lemme google that real quick.

ok thats crazy. but when will she wake up? i mean, she's alive which is good i guess.
who am i kidding, she's alive!!!
i would go scream it from the top of the rooftops if i could. but i won't get too ahead of myself.
but i won't get to see her for god knows how long.

how do i care about her this much? i've known her again for 2 months, how did i get myself into this? i'm worried about her and i don't want to lose her. i used to be there once so i know exactly how it feels. i feel a need to keep her in a little box safe forever with me. but that would be kidnapping, so i can't really do that.

i miss when we were kids. messing around in dance. it all changed when i got my injury though. it was so hard, i got depressed and pushed everyone away. i decided to turn to music as an escape, and never looked back. although i do miss dancing.

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