8 ▪︎ i found you

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TW: mentions of suicide and depression


me and fin just wrapped up recording a song. i have a feeling that this song will be a hit to the public. i'm excited for it to be released.

i decided to walk to the store to get some snacks to celebrate. we finished very late and it was 2am, so no one should be out. and yes the shop is open, its one of those 24/7 shops.


i got a couple bags of takis and some hot cheetos before paying and walking out of the store. i might take the path through the park home, just for some scenery and nature you know. and cause its night. walking is better at night. one of those little 'mental health walks' that never actually help. nor do the cups of tea. but thanks for the suggestion sharon.

i'd been walking for a few minutes before finding a bench to sit on. i was getting tired and my ankle was also starting to hurt. weak ass ankles.

i approached the bench and saw someone on it. as i got closer, it turned out to be gabby. what was she doing here at this time?

she flinched and turned around to look at me. she looked like she'd been crying, from the look of the mascara running down her face and puffy eyes.

i slowly sat down next to her, sitting a few inches away to give her space.
"what are you doing here at 2am?" i asked.
"don't worry it's nothing" she replied.
i gave her a look that said 'i don't think so'.
"you can talk to me, i'm not a bad person gabriella. i promise. i know i left but that was years ago. we can make a fresh start. what's going on?"

she looked at me in hesitation before saying "everything is wrong. I always mess things up and i'm tired of being like this."
"i understand how you feel." i try to reassure her.

"no you don't!" she exclaimed, standing up. "you got famous and are happy. everyone loves you. how can you understand what it feels like to be depressed and have no hope? to hate your body? to want to kill yourself?"

"fame is all fun and games until you experience the depression and stress that comes with it. you need to be this happy, successful person that everyone thinks of you to be. but when you feel sad or have those moments, they hate on you for it. I almost tried to kill myself because of it gabby, it got that bad." i say, wincing at the thought of that time.


well. i didn't think of the bad side of fame. maybe she really does know how i'm feeling. not everything, but some of it. i sat back down and start fidgiting with my rings.

after a minute, she breaks the silence by saying, "can i get your number?"

i guess it couldn't hurt. i feel like she does want to get to know me. but, then again, it could be a trick. i don't think she's the type to do that though.

i pull out my phone and had it to her. she types in her number and name and hands my phone back to me. she put her name as "bils 💋". she's so cute. no gabby, don't fall for her too soon.

"text me so i know its you" she says.
i text her a "hi". billie replies with "hey preddy" she looks up and smirks at me. i genuinely smile back.

"send me a message if you need anything. but don't feel pressured to, i know you're probably not that fond of me right now." she said, laughing with no expression.
i subtly nodded.

"anyways you want a bag of takis?" she asked.
"what the fuck are you doing out at 2am with 2 bags of takis and some hot cheetos?" i questioned.
"oh i just bought them. It was a celebration cause we finished a song. now do you want some or not cause a girl is hungry over here" she said, opening a bag up.
"sure, i could do with some food right now" i replied, grabbing a handful of takis and shoving them all in my mouth.

"i think it's time we head home. i'm not sure why you were here in the first place. try and get some sleep. goodnight" billie says.
"i will. goodnight" i stand up and start walking home.

i take out my phone and look at the chat with billie.

we'll try, i guess.

A/n: this is a longer chapter than my other ones and im pretty proud of it tbh. also hot cheetos are fire

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