|| I Did Say That ||

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Chapter 22
This is a flashback chapter strictly from Mizuki's POV as she is talking to Momiji.

"I remember you wanting to know how I became friends with Kiomi," I stated out of the blue. I sat on the floor with my legs out in front of me, leaning against Momiji's couch. Momiji's head dangled over the edge of the couch since he was laying upside down. I was supposed to leave his house yesterday after the many weeks that I've been here, but he caught a cold, so I decided to stay a day longer to keep him company.

"You're willing to tell me?!" Momiji said in shock, rotating to lay on his stomach and giving me his full attention. "Wait, is the reason you stopped being friends with Rei somewhere in this story?"

"It's not much to tell when it comes to what happened between us. I'll tell you the few details there is about that though. Well, since you've been very patient with me, I guess I can return the favor." I took a long pause trying to remember.

Momiji placed his hand on my shoulder. "Take your time."

I smiled before looking down at my hands. "It happened after a different encounter with Akito that I didn't tell you about..."

"You're full of secrets," Momiji stated. "Anything else you should warn me of."

"No," I said quickly.

"Mizuki?" Momiji urged.

I awkwardly smiled at him. "On to the story..."

~Flaskback to Mizuki's first year in junior high~
Akito glanced at my irritated face and scoffed. "What's with that look? You seem to have lost that quick temper. Maybe you realized that you have to stay quiet for people to like you. I mean, it's better that way. It's not like people haven't used you up until this point."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I retorted indifferently.

"I'm sure you don't," Akito stated sarcastically. "You've always liked staying quiet, so when given the chance, all attention is on you when you breakdown. It's honestly pitiful how selfish you are. You're so jealous of me that you desire having any form of attention offered to you."

I laughed. "I couldn't care less about you or the default recognition you receive."

"Trust me. You care. You care so much that you cling onto the zodiac members as if they're your reason for living. You do that because you want what we have. We're blessed with an eternal bond that can't be severed while you're stuck gazing from the outside in. Sad isn't it?" Akito taunted.

"At least they enjoy my presence. That's the difference between me and you. I bring them joy while you bring destruction and grief." I sighed, "I really hope this isn't what you called me here for."

"It's not, but I can't help feeling agitated every time I see your face," Akito grimaced. "Your here because I know you've been visiting Yuki; however, I'm sure you didn't act alone."

"I did it alone! It was only me!" Akito looked shocked at my abrupt outburst. I can't let anyone else get hurt. I refuse to throw my brother under the bus.

"You're lying, but since I'll enjoy this, I guess I'll let the other person go." Akito shrugged, kicking me in my knee. A crack bounced along the walls of the room as Akito stepped on my leg. I snapped my head up at him in anger, but I know I couldn't do anything if I wanted to get this over with quickly. "Don't look at me like that! Your eyes... it's almost as if they're glowing. Just like they did when you were born." He kicked me repeatedly between each word. "I... hate... those... demonic... red... eyes!"

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