|| That Contagious Smile ||

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Chapter 8 / Episode 7

~The Sohma Estate (Mizuki's POV)~
I was walking up to the gate behind Tohru as she admired the Sohma estate. "Wow. This place is huge," she analyzed.

"It is, but just wait 'til you get inside," I responded. I made it to the gate when I heard an all too familiar voice speak.

"Tohru! Hallo! And Mizuki, you came!" Momiji exclaimed. He startled Tohru, so she began running around like a crazy person as Momiji continued speaking, "You're here right on time!"

"Tohru, calm down." I laughed at her.

"I'm sorry! He startled me!" Tohru apologized, regaining her balance.

"You have no reason to be sorry. He's the one sneaking up on people. Momiji, you should apologize. She almost fell over," I said while looking at him.

"Sorry," Momiji said with a bit of regret as he jumped down and opened the doors. "Come on in. Welcome to the Sohma estate," He was more cheerful than ever as he said that to Tohru.

I sweat dropped. He doesn't seem sorry, at all. I bet he got a good laugh out of scaring her.

"Harry's house is down this way," Momiji said as he began leading the way.

As we made our way to Hatori's house I began to think. I have to get a checkup every six months. I had my first check-up of the year a month before I moved. I was supposed to have my second checkup last month, but I was busy. And this month has been crazy since Tohru moved with us. Momiji spoke, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Huh? What did you say?" I asked.

"I asked, how have you been?" Momiji repeated.

"I've been- hm. There isn't really a specific way to describe it," I responded and smiled at him. Momiji stared at me with a shocked expression on his face, which freaked me out. "Um... are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm good, but are you? You're happier than usual," Momiji answered.

"Well, excuse me for being happy," I scoffed.

"No, no. I don't mean it as a bad thing. It's just that the last time I saw you smile was when we were little. Seeing you happy makes me happy," Momiji explained.

"You're always happy and I don't understand how you do it," I stated, as we reached Hatori's house.

Momiji was taken aback by that. "Not always," Momiji mumbled, trying to not be heard, but that didn't work.

I glanced at Momiji and knocked on the door. Hm? He isn't? I wouldn't have known if he didn't say that. How could I have considered him my friend at one point, yet I can't even tell when he's hurting? My thoughts were cut off by the door opening.

"Welcome to my home," Hatori greeted.

I looked over to Tohru and saw that she was out of breath.

"I didn't realize the walk here was so arduous," Hatori said.

"Oh, it's not," Tohru assured.

"Come on in and have a seat. Momiji, bring us something to drink," Hatori ordered.

"Ja!" Momiji ran out of the room.

"A drink sounds great, thanks," Tohru said while calming her breathing.

I led Tohru to Hatori's work room and I sat down as she looked at the picture on Hatori's desk. She stood there for a while, so I got concerned. I was going to ask if she was okay, but Momiji spoke first.

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