|| Call Me Kimi-chan ||

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Chapter 15 / Episode 13

~Surprise Visitor (Mizuki's POV)~
Since Tohru is at the vegetable garden with Yuki, I decided to cook for everyone. I've already chopped up lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and beets to make a salad. The baked potatoes are done and I'm keeping a close eye on the pork so it doesn't overcook. I've gotten way better in the time that Tohru has been giving me lessons.

"I'm freakin' starving," Kyo groaned.

"The meat's almost done, but if you don't feel like waiting, you can eat the salad and potatoes that I made," I told Kyo, not turning away from what I was doing.

"If you're that hungry, I've got something that could ease your hunger. Have a snack," Shigure stated.

I went to the stove and flipped the pork on the other side. I turned to face them and said, "I cooked food. He doesn't need a snack." When I saw that it was chives, I laughed a little. "That's just cruel, Shigure."

"How about you stop screwing with me!" Kyo shouted, slapping the vegetable onto the floor.

"Kyo, how dare you waste perfectly good food," Shigure scolded.

The door opening grabbed our attention and I began grabbing the plates and silverware. This was my first time cooking without Tohru's guidance, so I hope she likes it.

"Look who has returned," Shigure stated.

"You're cooking, right, Mizuki?" Yuki asked.

I placed the utensils on the table. "Yes, it's almost-" I stopped talking when I saw Yuki holding a snake.

"Great. Skin this revolting creature and roast it's reptilian corpse," Yuki said, a dark aura surrounding him.

"I'm almost done cooking and I didn't make pork just for you to turn around and have snake. Wait a minute..." I went toward Yuki and examined the snake. "You want me to cook your brother? If you want him dead, do it yourself. Don't put your crimes on me." I walked back to the table and began setting it.

Tohru looked at me confused. "Brother?"

Shigure explained Ayame's relation to him, Yuki, and the zodiac. He turned to Yuki to ask, "Are you going to tell us why you proposed the idea of snake on the menu?"

"It's too appalling to be spoken out loud," Yuki stated.

"Oh, c'mon. Don't be too hard on him," Shigure said.

We heard a poof, indicating Ayame had transformed back human. Why is he here? He doesn't come here any other time. Unless I always end up lucky enough to be out of the house while he's here. But if that's the case, my luck streak has clearly ended. We ended up hearing Ayame's side of the story, but we didn't figure out what happened that was appalling and Ayame kept changing the subject. I asked Yuki, so he told us what happened and it was truly appalling, yet Ayame acted like he did nothing wrong. "If you were 'so weak' how'd you have the strength to slither up Tohru's clothes? You could've came to the house to warm up. Or you could've prevented this all by wearing warmer clothes."

"What's really important is if you have been behaving yourself, darling. You better not have cheated on me, you dog," Ayame directed his statement at Shigure in a playful tone.

"I would never do such a thing. You know you're the only one for me," Shigure said, playing along. Giving Ayame a thumbs up that he returned.

I watched their interaction before remembering something. "Oh, no! I left the stove on!" I ran back into the he kitchen as they continued talking. At least the pork didn't burn. It's more on the side of... well done. I was so focused on the food that I didn't realize that Tohru and Ayame were gone until I came back with all of the food. "Where'd they go?" I asked as I placed the food items in the middle of the table.

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