Christmas 2007-part 2

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"No she's not" Rory said softly walking into the living room. Lorelai and Logan started at her, not knowing what to say "I'm ok. I was mad at dad, I'm fine now. It's fine." She sat down next to Logan and he put his arm around her back

"Ace, are you sure you're ok?" Logan asked quietly


"Honey are you sure?" Lorelai asked, not really believing that Rory was ok

"Yup" Rory answered quickly "hey, where are like and April?"

"At the diner" Lorelai told her daughter "we couldn't go meet them there if you want"



"Look who decided to show up" Jess said as Rory, Logan, Lorelai and Will came into the diner. Rory just rolled her eyes

"Is everything ok?" Luke asked

"Why wouldn't everything be ok?" Jess asked ,unaware of what had happed earlier that morning

"Everything's fine Luke" Rory assured him

"Why isn't everything ok?" Jess asked

"Everything's fine Jess, relax" Lorelai said laughing internally at how Jess was so obviously still in love with Rory and how Rory was completely unaware of that "should we eat?"

"Sure, cheeseburgers for everyone?" Luke asked

"And fries. And pie" Lorelai added

"Already ordered" Luke said kissing his wife

They ate and talked and enjoyed before splitting up and going about the rest of their day. Logan Rory and April going to spend some time with Lane, Zach and the babies. Luke, lorelai and Will going to visit Sookie, Jackson and their kids and Jess doing some last minute Christmas shopping.

Everyone was in bed, asleep after watching Christmas movies and eating Christmas cookie and candy canes.
Logan was sitting up in bed watching Rory sleep.
He had originally planned on proposing Christmas morning but he was reconsidering doing it in front of the whole family, he didn't want her to feel pressured because there were people watching. He got up and started to look through his bag, he pulled out the black velvet box, put it the pocket of his pajama pants and left the room.

Logan was sitting on the couch looking at the ring he bought for Rory when he was startled by a voice coming down the stairs "is that it?" Lorelai asked quietly, causing Logan to jump "sorry. Didn't mean to scare you"

"It's fine" Logan said "yeah this is it" he said handing Lorelai the open box with the ring in it

"Wow, Logan it's beautiful" Lorelai said looking at the ring that would soon belong to her daughter

"Thanks. It's inscribed too, but I wanted Rory to be the first to read it" Logan explained to Lorelai

"Well I promise not to look at the inscription" Lorelai assured Logan " you know...for the past 3 weeks I've been losing my mind. Every time the phone rang I thought it would be Rory telling me you did it" Lorelai admitted

"Well I was gonna do it tomorrow morning, but I'm kinda rethinking that now" Logan said

"How come?"

"Well there will be a bunch of people around and I don't want her to feel pressured"

"Yeah, to be honest I think Rory's more of a private proposal kind of girl" Lorelai said with a chuckle

"Yeah you're right" Logan sighed

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