Chapter 3: The Dragon and the Owl

Comenzar desde el principio

Zach went into his room, shut the door, and lay down on his bed. A few tears rolled down his face.

"I want to get out of this town," he mumbled, "I just want to leave and never come back... never be seen again".

The Northern Mountain

Obi flew done to the enchanted cavern where the other Draconics were with the man they grabbed. He was sitting there with vines wrapped around his wrist and leg so he couldn't escape. He was asleep... a sleep caused by a spell casted by the night Draconics.


"Augh..." Brann mumbled, "Even his snores are annoying".

"All humans are annoying," Obi commented. She turned to Shams, "Shams wake him up."

She approached him and placed her hand on top of his, "Wake up..."

"AH!!!" he woke up screaming, "Wh-Where am I-I... WHAT IS THIS PLACE?!?!"

"Why do they always have to ask that?" Vatten asked, " I would like one to say something else for a change."

"He's scared..." ShinRin replied, "It's normal reaction humans have".

"Fear and confusing are what I'm sensing from him," said Noapte in mumbled low voice.

"Silence," Obi commanded, "Nothing matters right now, especially since he's never leaving this place".

The man stood up.

"Wh-why?" he asked, "I haven't done anything wrong?"

"Maybe not... or maybe you did," said Obi sarcastically, "Regardless... you should be aware of what happens in this Mountain..."

Thomas looked directly at Obi, "Oh! I'm sorry... I didn't receive the rule book when I got to the Mountain- OOF!!!"

Brann punched him in the stomach and he fell back down.

"How 'bout you SHUT Your MOUTH" he threatened.

"Enough," said Obi and looked back at Thomas, "Your friend was lucky... we scared him off... there's no way he's coming back for you...."


Hooty flew over and landed on a nearby root.

"A-a-and... w-what a-are you gonna d-do about it?"

Obi didn't answer.

ShinRin unwrapped his arms and ankle from the vines and Brann grabbed him and dragged him to the center of the Enchanted cavern, where six different gemstones were.

"I'd say I feel bad about doing this," said Obi, "But I don't..."

"What are you gonna do...?" he asked, trailing a bit.

She didn't answer.

Obi closed her eyes, the other Draconics did the same, they all felt could feel the magic flowing through their veins, horns popping out of their head. Their wings lit up and their eyes glowed bright and radiant like the diamonds on the cavern walls. One move. One spell.

And then in an instant...

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Thomas screamed.

First his legs. then his torso. Then his arms. Then the rest.... had turned to stone. Another stone statue...

"I hate seeing them like this..." ShinRin replied, "They look like they're in pain..."

"It is supposedly painful," Brann responded calmly. He then rubbed ShinRin in the back, "It doesn't hurt them though, and it's sometimes for the best..."

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