Chapter 1 : Freen

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 "I gave up on you, I already gave you so many chances but it seems like you are testing my patience daughter" the light said.

"I told you it is unfair for me, I don't understand the rules that you-" Freen was cut off.

"Enough! I will cut your wings and you will be forbidden here not until you learned your lesson" the light said.

"But Father hear me out, I-" Freen tried to explained.

"No buts, no more explanation. I will send you to the land and cut off your wings. Your power will still be with you but you can't use them to harm people or to harm anyone, not unless it is an action of love or kindness. By the time you are healed, you can comeback or whatever future brings you" the light said.

Freen feel defeated. As an angel, wings are the most valuable thing they could ever have, it is not only used to fly but it gives them additional strength and power. Without wings, angel is not an angel. She is getting afraid that she will be send down to lands where humans live. For her human is define as greedy , weak and cruel. She's getting afraid thinking about living with them. She hold back her tears as she don't want to be seen as scared and weak.

"I will accept the punishment" Freen answered.

"You don't have a choice. Since I get back your wings, you must protect your heart. Please be kind and show love always my daughter" the light said and disappear.

"What heart father?" Freen asked but without any hint, a loud thud force make her fall down to heaven place. She tried to spread her wings but her wings is starting to disappear. She notice a blue shining light in her chest. It a heart shape crystal blue and it is shining brightly.

Freen was falling from the sky and she is getting dizzy not until a lightning strike her blue crystal heart. She felt that the crystal broke and she's losing her consciousness until she get totally blackout.

Am I going to be dead now?......

Am I going to be dead now?

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