I overestimated you.

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(Bloom's phone rings)

- Look, she's calling! (Bloom answers the video call)

-There she is! How are things in Paris? Is Thomas cute? Are you having fun?

-Slow down a little. Musa said laughing

-Tell me! I'm dying of curiosity!

-Ok, ok, he's cute, I have to admit.

-Aww, that's my girl! Where are you?

- I'm in the room, waiting for Thomas to come, we need to discuss something. I'm quite bored...i miss Alfeea 

-How can you be bored in Paris, with such a handsome man like Thomas?


-I was just saying... Bloom added with a chuckle without noticing that Riven and Sky heard everything.

Sky knew who Thomas was so he didn't worry, Sky knew about Musa and her secret, but Riven didn't knew. Sky saw how his friend had a dead stare.

 Riven's blood was boiling, but he remained silent.

Riven went back to the apartment, he was very angry, but an inner voice told him to trust her.

Riven took his phone and called his father.

- Dad, you were right, I'm wasting my time. Soon I will find that girl who has royal blood and return home.

-What happened to you? asked Riven's father

- Let's say that now I see everything that I didn't see before. I will start the search right now, I will find her soon. Riven replied in a cold voice

The two days passed, days when Riven thought about her, she made him happy, but the thought that she was with someone else drove him crazy. 

The car Musa was in arrived at Alfeea accompanied by 4 other cars, only for her to be protected. When Musa got out of the car, she was hugged by all the fairies.

- We missed you so much! Terra said hugging her to her chest

-Damn Musa, even my mother doesn't have so many patrol cars behind her. Stella said laughing

- Can you blame her? Her blood is what witches want, power, she must be protected. Flora added

-Oh, please! I've had enough of Thomas's theory, don't you start too! said the mind fairy laughing

-Musa, welcome back, I hope your trip was pleasant. said the headmistress approaching the fairies accompanied by Riven, Sky, Dane and Luke

- Thank you, Mrs. O'Connell. Everything was perfect, but the security was exaggerated from my point of view.

- Of course it was, the soldiers were more useful here Riven murmured rolling her eyes, Musa noticed his reaction but remained silent.

- I'm glad you're okay, but the security is never too much for you.

Musa just nodded and said- If you don't mind, the road was long, I would like to relax a little, I will walk a little through the forest to calm my magic.

- Of course dear. Riven, would you mind accompanying her?

- Yes, actually yes. Riven said

- I don't need a babysitter! I want to calm down my magic, not ignite it more... added the nervous Musa

-She is right, for the first time she is right, I am not a babysitter. I'm one of the best specialists, and you make me waste precious time standing like a babysitter after a mind fairy's ass. If she was like Bloom or Stella, yes I would go with her, because we really need their magic, but why all the fuss about a mind fairy...she is useless, she will soon lose her magic like the others! Riven said nervously. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. he continued:

-Every time we are attacked you put dozens of lives in danger for her, if she was really important we would help you, but I refuse to let my qualities be wasted on this, I am a fighter not a nanny! Riven was interrupted by a slap.

 He was slapped by the headmistress, of all the people who attended Riven's speech including Musa, the headmistress was the one who reacted.

The director's eyes filled with anger, she could no longer help herself. Riven realized what he had just done, he rubbed his cheek where there was a red mark.

-Watch your mouth! How dare you talk like that! If she loses her magic, me, you, the magical world, we're all screwed!

- Mrs. O'Connell, don't you think it's a bit exaggerated? I'm not angry, please... Musa added, trying to calm the headmistress.

Riven was speechless, he could see the contempt in her eyes. Sky and the other specialists could not believe what their friend was able to do.

- Mrs. O'Connell, please stop, my head is exploding and I really don't need guards, I have proven this several times. Musa added, the director put her hand on Musa's shoulder and said

- I'm sorry that this world tortures you, but it can see your true value, I'm really sorry. You should not have witnessed this disgrace. This was the first time the director truly apologized to Musa. The cute moment didn't last long, the director let Musa go and turned to Riven.

- You're right, boy. your qualities are not for that. I overestimated you, both me and the kin...kind father of Musa. We thought you were capable of such a responsibility, we entrusted you with a life that could cost us enormously, we were fools to think you were capable of this.

-I, I... Riven tried to say

-You, you disappointed us with your action. As you said, you are one of the best, but not the best. From now on, you are released from this position, you will return to the other specialists, Luke will take your place. You are lucky that you can still stay at Alfeea. Musa, you can go, but you will be accompanied by your friends.Without saying anything, Musa left, she didn't even look at Riven.

- Honey, we... we feel really sorry. said Stella, hugging Musa

- He was a dick, if I see him again I will strangle him with my plants added Terra

- You don't have to feel sorry, I don't give a shit what he thinks. said Musa trying to calm her friends down

- You must be strong, royal blood brings strength but also lots of pain... added Stella

- I have another question, why did he reacted like that earlier? He seemed to enjoy his time with you, why would he talk like that? Beatrix asked

- I don't know and I don't care anymore, now I just want to relax.

Later at the specialists' apartment:

Riven was lying on the bed and was looking at the ceiling, Sky entered the room and was standing right in front of Riven, looking at him with a death stare and crossed arms.

-Come on! Say it! Tell me how stupid I am! Tell me how immature I am! Tell me I fucked up...just say something. Riven shouted, the pain in his voice could be heard

- You are, you always have been, congratulations, you've proven to me that you really are a dork. I was wrong the other day, today you proved to me that you don't care about her.

- I don't know what happened to me, to my anger...

- I don't know and I don't care. A person I care about is suffering now because of you. She is a person I would die for, and you made her suffer. Although she doesn't show it, she is in more pain than your little brain can believe.

- I fucked everything...

-It's not my problem anymore. I'm here to give you that.

-What's here?

-In this envelope you have your program set by Silva for tomorrow, you are with the novices.

- With the novices?

- Yes, all the powerful defend the school with pride, you are no longer part of the security. Riven just nodded. Sky left the envelope on the table and left, leaving Riven alone.

Royal bloodOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz