The Aftermath

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Janine started waking up with her chin on Gregory's chest. As she smiled at him sleeping. When she realized he woke up, he saw her looking at her so he smiled.
Gregory: Good morning
Janine: Good morning
As Janine yawned & Gregory makes fun of her breath
Gregory: Ew your breath smells
Gregory giggled a little
Janine: Like yours don't either I can smell all the way over here
Gregory: Well played little girl
Janine: For sure homie
They both laughed at what she said Gregory took her hand folding his hands into hers. She did the same as she smiled at their hands together.
Gregory: Did you sleep well?
Janine: Yes I did, what about you? Did you sleep well?
Gregory: I did sleep well thanks for asking
Janine: Your welcome
They both looked at each other again as they started kissing. Gregory moving her to the side to get on top of Janine. But, one of their phones started ringing. Gregory grabs his phone seeing if that's his since his clothes is the closest.
Gregory: It's not my phone, it must be yours.
Janine: Uh, I can't believe I have to get out the bed. I'm so tired from last night.
Janine gets out the bed with the sheet, picking up her phone off the floor
Gregory: I bet you are
Gregory rolls to the side with a grin on his face
Janine: Gregory, stop.
Her phone call went straight to voicemail from Erica
Janine: It's from Erica
Gregory: What does she want?
Janine: I going to figure that out.
Gregory: Okay
Janine sees how many missed calls she has from Erica.
Janine: I have so many missed calls from her & Jacob too
Gregory: Maybe they wanted to check on you.
Janine: Probably
Janine listens to her voicemail
Erica's voicemail: Hey, just calling in because last night I called you so many times. I just wanted to make sure you'll alright girl, what did you & Gregory do last night? I hope not nothing freaky, if so tell me all the details girl.
Gregory: What did she say?
Janine: Nothing special just wondering if I'm okay or not.
Gregory: Oh your definitely in good hands
Janine: What that's supposed to mean?
Gregory: Come here & find out
Janine: Oooo
Janine went back to bed with Gregory & they started kissing again. But a few minutes later, someone knocks on the door to interrupt them again.
Janine & Gregory: Uh, who is it now?
Gregory: I'll get it this time, since you got up before.
Janine: Alright, hurry back
Gregory: Okay
Gregory kisses her again then Janine tells him to go get the door
Janine: I love you but go get the door it sounds really important
Gregory: Alright I love you too, girl.
Janine smiles as Gregory runs to the door to see who it is & it's a surprise face.
Gregory: Jacob
Gregory almost slams the door in his face. But Jacob caught it before he closed it all the way. As walking up into the room seeing Janine underneath the covers naked.
Jacob: Have you seen Janine anywhere? I been calling & calling & I got no answ-.
Janine stops what she is doing because she saw Jacob.
Janine: Jacob?
Jacob: JANINE!!!
Gregory: Jacob
Jacob: GREGORY!!!
Jacob faints on the floor
Gregory: So now is a good time to go get some food
Gregory awkwardly smiles at Janine. But a few minutes later Jacob was on the bed next to them as he gets up with Janine & Gregory looking at him
Jacob: What happened? One minute I was in the room with a naked Gregory then a naked Janine.
Janine: Buddy your right, you were with a naked Janine & a naked Gregory.
Gregory: Here's some water to calm your nerves.
Jacob: Thank you
Gregory: Your welcome
Jacob takes a slip of his water & starts asking questions.
Jacob: Oh my goodness, what happened last night?
Janine: Uuuhhh
Gregory: Uuummm
Janine & Gregory POV
Janine: This is Jacob here we love him so much
Gregory: But does he need details about what happened last night
They both looked at each other.
Janine & Gregory: NOOOO
Janine: Well we you know Jacob
Gregory: Then we you know, Jacob
They both at each other awkwardly
Jacob: I am so surprised this is happening, so are you guys a item or what?
Gregory: Uh I don't know are we?
Janine: I think so...
Jacob was confused right along with them.
Janine: We are still figuring that part out, but I know there is something between us special
Gregory: I don't want to mess this special thing up between us though
Jacob: Well whatever happens I hope everything goes great between the both of you young hearted people.
Janine: I'm not that young I'm almost 30
Jacob: But you look like a kid honey
Janine: I know but still I'm almost 30
Gregory: Like in 5 years from now you will be.
Jacob: How old are you
Gregory: Old enough
Janine: See Jacob? He is old enough
Jacob: O-K, but this is so exciting because you two are finally together. I can't believe we all were right.
Gregory: Who was right?
Jacob: Barbara, Ava, Melissa, & surprisingly the other teacher even the janitor knew you liked Janine this whole time.
Gregory: Everyone knew?
Janine: Everyone
Gregory: You knew too?
Janine: Yeah, that's when everyone said to me about you had a crush on me because I didn't believe Jacob.
Jacob: Heyyyy
Janine: WHAT? I DIDN'T
Jacob: Wow to think we were friends Janine
Janine: We are
Jacob: Mmmhhh
Gregory: Look Jacob, we are sorry we didn't tell you about this, I don't know it just happened last night
Janine: Right, it was so special
Gregory: Sweet
Janine: Emotional
Gregory: It's like our
Janine: Souls connected that night
Gregory: It was something amazing
Jacob starts crying out of nowhere & they both were concerned
Janine: Jacob are you okay?
Gregory: Is it the water? Is it too spicy?
Janine: How can water be spicy?
Gregory: I don't know I panicked I'm not good with people crying
Janine: Awww, it's okay I'll teach you
Gregory: Really?
Janine: Yeah
They both kissed as Jacob cry's more so they both moved to the other bed with him.
Janine: You sure your alright?
Gregory: Your crying like a little kid does over candy & I seen that before because Ava once stole a kid's candy bag for no reason
Janine: Gregory
Gregory: Oh right, are you okay Jacob?
Jacob: Yes, yes, I'm okay, it's just you two are so adorable it makes me cry beautiful tears for your love inside & out
Gregory: Awww, thanks
Janine: Good one Gregory
Gregory: Thanks Janine
Jacob starts wiping his tears
Jacob: But let me stop being emotional here & celebrate your love here because AAAHHH.
They both smiled while looking at Jacob.
Jacob: That means you guys can come on a double date with us.
Gregory: Us?
Janine: Zack his boyfriend
Gregory: Oh right I knew that
Janine: No you didn't
Gregory: Nope I didn't
They both smiled at each other & that's when Jacob starts crying again.
Janine: Okay, let me get this crying man out of here so I can go get dressed.
Gregory: Alright I'll see you out in an hour
Janine: See you in an hour Gregory
She smiled at him as she walks out with Jacob who is still in tears.
Janine: Come on Jacob, let's go get you to your room crybaby
Janine POV
It's nice to know that I am going to be in an healthy relationship with someone I care so deeply about. I love Gregory, I don't want to mess this thing up between us. It's special, it's more then special it's just such a great feeling when I'm with him.
Gregory POV
I can't believe we are doing this, whatever this is going I'm going to believe it's going to last.


Sorry this is short I rushed on this chapter because I didn't have time. I been really busy lately, so hopefully you liked this short little chapter trust me next week's chapter will be longer & it'll be the last chapter of this whole entire story. Thank you to whoever is reading this, hopefully your enjoying the story & you loved it as much as I was writing it

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