Getting Ready

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There are two parts of this story this is part one where it's based off the episode "Holiday Hookah." The second part will be based off the episode "Teacher conference." So I hope you enjoy reading these stories of mines I created inside my head.
Janine POV
As I was leaving the library to go home to get ready for the club tonight. Gregory stopped me before I left which was sweet of him because I was going to miss him since we both are going our separate ways for holiday break
Gregory: Hey you leaving early?
Janine: Yeah me & Erica are going out tonight so I have to go get ready
Gregory: That's cool to see you going out
Janine: Yeah I am doing something out my comfort zone
Gregory: I mean you don't want to sit around
to see Barbara drink enough fun punch to do the heel toe.
Janine: I definnitely do but again I gotta go.
Gregory: That's understandable
Janine: What about you? Are you going out tonight?
Gregory: I am going out myself with a friend of mines
Janine: That's good your having fun yourself.
Gregory: We need it from everything we been through this year
Janine: Right, but I hope you have a good time with your friend or friends
Gregory: Same with you because it's surpising
Janine: Hey, I am trying to live outside the world instead of always staying home
Gregory: I mean sometimes you have to get out your comfort zone & go somewhere you never been or go somewhere with someone you never been with before
Janine: I never thought of it that way
Gregory: That's what my grandma told me when I was a little boy. I didn't fully understand it until I hit my teenagers years.
Janine: I'll take that with me Mr. Eddie
Gregory: Not my teacher name
Janine: What else do you want me to call you?
Gregory: My name not "Mr. Eddie"
Janine: Ok "Mr. Eddie."
They both laughed
Janine POV
We stared at each other for a minute as I break the silence
Janine: Well Gregory I would love to look at your pretty eyes all day, I mean not saying your eyes are pretty, I mean your eyes are not NOT pretty. Umm let me stop talking
Gregory: No it's ok I understand what you mean it's ok I think your eyes are pretty too
Janine: Well thank you & your welcome
They both smiled at each other
Gregory: I will miss you though
Janine: Same here
Gregory: Coming here everyday I am glad I get to work with you
Janine: Awww that's so sweet. Same goes to you too because Gregory I learn everyday from you. Your like a mediator to me.
Gregory: Im glad to be like a mediator towards you
Janine: Your really more then a mediator towards me really more like a older brother.
Gregory: Glad to know that I am a older brother to you
Janine: Is that weird for me saying that?
Gregory: No because I see you as a little sister to me
Janine: That's good to hear
They both smiled at each other.
Gregory: Well I'll let you go Janine, I hope you have fantastic break for the holidays.
Janine: Same goes to you Gregory, I will miss but I'll see you next year though
Gregory: Bye Janine
Janine: Bye
Janine POV
Imma miss Gregory, Imma miss everybody, that includes Gregory. He been doing so well with teaching & dating Amber...
Gregory POV
Watching Janine leave makes my heart melt because a piece of me will miss her dearly. After breaking up with Amber a month ago, I been trying to focus on myself. After Amber & me broke up. I thought I should stay off girls for awhile. But I can't stop thinking of Janine I wish my mind could stop thinking of her. I don't know, there's just something about Janine I love. Her hair, the way she said how cute my eyes look, I mean she looks amazing herself. I can't seem to get Janine off my mind.
Later that night Janine & Erica were getting dressed for the club. As Janine came out the room with the dress on for the first time
Janine: Really? You think men would like me?
Janine: Thank you Erica
Erica: Your welcome
Janine: Im so scared
Erica: Why?
Janine: This is my first time going out in public. Since forever! I been in a 10 year relationship never doing stuff like this before. This is so nerve wracking & weird I'm so scared like this is crazy to me.
Erica: I know but I am going to be by your side. You'll be ok just breathe, take a moment to rest & relax your mind
Janine: Ok I will stay calm because everything will be alright
Erica: Keep that positive mindset girl, I'll be out so quick so we could leave & go to the club early ok queen
Erica hugged Janine to calm her down a little bit before going up in the bathroom changing her clothes for the club tonight.
Janine POV
As I turned on the tv my mind started racing I didn't know how to calm it down. Somehow my mind came across Gregory, I don't know why Gregory was on my mind but he was. He was on my mind heavily, but we were just friends. He is dating Amber, he is my coworker, maybe a coworker I have feelings for. No, no, no, NO, he is just a friend, HE IS JUST A COWORKER!
Across Philadelphia, Gregory & his friend Maurice were getting ready themselves to go to the same club.
Gregory: Where are we going tonight? A club? A movie? A dinner? You know I love me some food.
Maurice: We going to a club you know the one we went to last time
Gregory: Hookah again
Maurice: Yup you know the vibes
Gregory: Last time we went there, there was a grandma all over me like wow oh my goodness.
Maurice: I still have that in my cellphone too
Gregory: Wow? Really? Let me see
Maurice showed a video to Gregory while they were sitting on the couch
Gregory: Oh my goodness I looked scared
Maurice: It was so funny this video got like 6 millions views
Gregory: You posted on social media?
Maurice Yes why not
Gregory: No there is no way, it got 6 millions views like my kids at school could see that
Maurice Do these kids have phones?
Gregory: I don't know they could, but could you take it down please?
Maurice: I feel like if u did that it would be like taking down lemonade from Beyoncé.
Gregory: She look good up in that music video though
Maurice: She really did
Gregory: You know what leave it up tonight I'll be videoing you drunk. You are embarrassing when your drunk
Maurice: Right! Catch me if you can but anyways how's Amber?
Gregory POV
Maurice doesn't know I broke up with Amber. Well Amber broke up with me because of her baby daddy. He made this proposal of how he wanted to give it another chance & he won't blow it away this time. How he loves his son & so on. So she painfully told me straight up "we done I'm back with my baby daddy now." So that was that & this is this. I didn't tell Maurice because he is always clowning on me for getting regretted or dumped by people up in my life. So I kept it to myself. But eventually the truth will all come out, if I ever start dating somebody new.
Gregory: She's good
Maurice: I haven't seen her around here in a minute is she good?
Gregory: She's busy with her son right now. She trying to you know built that mom & son relationship at a young age so they can become friends in the future.
Maurice: What kind of son becomes friends with their momma?
Gregory: I do I love my mom
Maurice: Of course you do momma's boy
Gregory: Like your not a momma's boy yourself
Maurice: AND SOOO WHAT!!! You need to be starting to play a player game handle two girls at once, SIMPLE, EASY, COOL!
Gregory: Naaah I can't be like you. I can't cheat on a girl.
Maurice: Hey that was one time
Gregory: Right! You magically didn't cheat with two hot models in my household
Maurice: My cheating days are over I am looking for a Miss. Dovetails
Gregory: That's not even your last name
Maurice: It could be
Gregory: Right
Gregory rolls his eyes as Gregory checks his time so they could leave Gregory's house to go to the club
Gregory: Yo, it's time to leave because the club opens soon
Maurice checks his time himself
Maurice: Your right, you know how long those lines be for the club especially it be so cold
Gregory: It's Philadelphia of course it's cold
Maris: You right, so let's go.
Gregory POV
I turned off the tv as me & Maris left my house to go to the club. I am always scared to go to the club. I am a homebody. I like staying home instead of going out really. Im in love with my bed more then spending time with anybody. I just like my alone time you know.
Janine: What time is it?
Erica: Time for us to go.
Janine: It is?
Erica: Let's go get our hoe on
Janine: Ok, let's go
Erica: Gurl you really don't come out do you?
Janine: Nope
Erica: Your going to have a blast with me I swear
Janine: I believe I am going to have fun myself
They walked out as Janine locked her door afterwards walking to Erica's car. As Janine got up inside the car. Janine was up inside her head thinking.
Janine POV
So me & Erica left my house to go to the club I was so happy to get out, stay out of my house for the night because I don't usually go nowhere. I love staying up inside the house watching my favorite movie "Jumanji." The one with Dwayne Johnson OF COURSE. I mean that guy is EVERYTHING, he is a BEAST. But anyways I was having strong feelings about going to the club. I felt like this was going to be a lifetime experience. I never been out like this I always been in the house boo up in the house with my not long time ago ex. I am single now I need to stop thinking of my ex. I miss him but I have to love him from a distant but I am going to have a good time soon so I could get him off my mind.
Janine & Erica get out Erica's car as they walk to the longest line. It was already packed even though the door wasn't opened yet.
Erica: I thought the line would be short but it isn't
Janine: It's ok though
Erica: You ready for tonight?
Janine: I am ready though, this will be my night, this is the night I will find true love again, this is the night I will see
As some man's voice asked them how they were doing. Janine turns around & sees Gregory & his best friend Maurice
Janine: GREGORY!!!
Gregory: JANINE!!!
Janine POV
Gregory POV
Janine & Gregory: Uh, um hiiii
They said awkwardly to each other as waving to each other but you have to wait & see what happens next Saturday. What happens after this...


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