I Made It

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Gregory POV
It was morning as I got up, brushed my teeth, ate some breakfast, & continued on with my day. I was getting ready for my day of driving to this event that's 2 hours away from my city. I am nervous because I don't want to go to this thing because I am still a little bit upset & heartbroken from this break up. Why do I always have to get dump? It's crazy how girls hate me or I must not be anyone's type. I am probably the weirdest to everyone I don't mean to be. I guess love isn't in the picture for me but someday, maybe it's time for me to be alone for awhile. I finished packing up my suitcases & I walked to my car to put them inside it. I got some gas, I left, & I was on the road to PECSA weekend very late.
Janine just woke up to go downstairs to eat some breakfast from the hotel.
Janine POV
It's crazy I am at PECSA weekend with my fellow colleagues. I love this event, honestly I'm like a little kid when it comes to coming to these kinds of events. Plus their food is so good too, I be in love with their food here too. Ever since I broke up with Maurice, I made the honor to invite him to this too. But, he didn't come because we broke up, something seemed off between us I didn't like how it was going.
Jacob: Hey good morning Janine
Janine: Good morning Jacob
Jacob: Did you sleep good?
Janine: Of course I did what about you?
Jacob: I slept good myself
Janine: What do they have for breakfast this morning?
Jacob: Pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, waffles, breakfast sandwiches, & cereal. Oh of course they have bagels I believe that's it, but I know I have been waiting for a minute so you'll be waiting yourself.
Janine: It's ok at least I have you aside me so I'll be good.
Jacob: Oh of course
Janine: How you liking this experience so far?
Jacob: It's cool I can't wait to eat, go to that meeting with White people black school
Janine: Yes I know you'll going to do great with learning all about the black community.
Jacob: I am very excited honestly, I love hearing about things about other's cultures. I mean I did take a class on Black history to know a little bit more about the importance of Black culture, identity, history, & more.
Janine: I am glad to hear that you are enjoying learning about the importance about my culture & others culture themselves
Jacob: Thank you, but what about you are you excited about this experience your about to experience today?
Janine: I am honestly but I can't believe Gregory is missing all this for what? A good romantic time with Amber.
Jacob: He is going to miss a lot this weekend because it's so cool but why do you care anyways?
Janine: I don't I just wish he was here you know, he seems like he would like this event. Not with Amber relaxing in an hot tub.
Jacob: Someone seems jealous when's she is in a whole relationship
Some people looked at them when Janine said that out loud.
Jacob: I am just saying from someone who is invested with his girlfriend Amber & him being in a hot tub seem like jealousy to me.
Janine: I am not I promise you that, I just wish he was here I know we would be having fun together.
Jacob side eye her
Jacob: Right
Janine: Jacob, don't look at me like that.
Jacob: Ok Janine
Janine: For the matter of fact me & Maurice are broken up. I can like anyone that I want.
Jacob: HA HA
People looked at them again
Janine: What?
Jacob: You like Gregory? Since you broke up with Maurice.
Janine: Nope
Jacob: Is it Gregory?
Janine: No I don't like Gregory, I broke up with Maurice because it wasn't working out between us Jacob.
Jacob: Oh I'm sorry
Janine: It's ok I knew this wasn't finna work when we went out on the second date we were on, I don't know there's something missing I don't know what is it.
Jacob: Maybe Gregory
Janine side eye him
People looked at her again
Jacob: Who is the one yelling now?
Janine rolls her eyes again at Jacob
Janine: Look, Gregory & me are just friends. I love him like a brother Jacob, just like you. I like you as a brother I can't like anybody like a brother even if they aren't blood.
Jacob: It's ok, I understand if you don't like Gregory, Janine. I'll stop saying it but what if?
Janine: What if what?
Jacob: That night of the club when you both didn't invited me too
Janine: Jacob can you get to the point?
Jacob: If that night, if Gregory didn't date Amber, would you have made a move?
Janine: Why are you asking me that?
Jacob: I am because what if that night, you two shared a kissed or maybe more then that. You went back to his place & you know?
Janine: Alright, can we not say that because thaaaaaat can't noooooot happen JACOB IT CAN NOT.
Someone shh Janine for being to loud.
Jacob: Janine you need to stop yelling honey.
Janine: You were making me go crazy Jacob
Jacob: So?
Janine: What?
Jacob: You haven't told me your answer.
Janine: On what?
Jacob: My question? Would you?
Janine: I don't know Jacob, I don't know.
Jacob: Ok then Janine, I'll stop asking. We are up next anyways.
Janine: Ok
They were up next to get their breakfast
Janine POV
I don't know if I like Gregory. I am embarrassed because I don't want to hide this from myself if I am in love with him. I push the feelings aside before because that's how I am. But in love? With Gregory? I can feel myself trying to say "I made it to the realization that I am in love with Gregory Eddie." I CANT BE IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!
Gregory POV
I am so glad I almost made it but thinking to myself that Maurice & Janine broke up I been worrying about what could've been if me & her started dating each other that night of the club. What if we made it official that night the snow fell? What if? What if I am in love with Janine Teagues. Could I be in love with Janine? Am I in love with her? I don't know my mind is racing right now I am trying here. I am figuring out my feelings & the way I feel about her. I don't know to be honest I am still emotional that my life is going horrible because of the way me & Amber broke up. I am trying my best to be okay without love inside my life. I need to be in love with myself more. Love doesn't mean you have to be in love with someone it means you can also be in love with yourself.
Gregory made it as he pulled up into the hotel parking lot finding a park for his car. Which he did as he got his suitcase as rolling it up into the hotel. He waited in a long line to sign in but he didn't mind. On the other side of the world Janine was coming from a class.
Janine POV
Ahh! New tote alert. This weekend couldn't get any better, it's like I am at Disneyland. But there's no wild Mr. Todd to avoid, & I had to bring my own churro. But — Wait, you know you go to hell if you go on that ride?
Janine overhears Ava talking about her in a meeting.
Ava: I'm a problem solver. So, say you have a problem teacher. For our discussion let's call her Janina, these Janina usually have bubbly personalities & that cover up deep seated mommy issues.
Janine POV
Ava is joking, I mean I have my issues sometimes we all do. I am not the issue in my family or the issue to my mom. I could say I have mommy issues but then I don't have to say it either. Mommy & Daddy issues are all over the place in the world even with kids who parents are together. But again,
Some baby starts crying because Janine yelling
Some lady: Thanks a lot lady for yelling now I have to repute my child back to sleep.
Janine: Sorry
The lady rolled her baby away from Janine.
Janine POV
That was so rude, oh well I don't care let's continue my fun time. I MEAN AS I SHOULD!!
On the other side of the world, Gregory was up at the register finally
The man at the register: Hello sir, how can I help you today?
Gregory: Hey, I am with the Abbott Elementary school. My fellow co-workers are here
The man at the register: Alright thank you for telling me that so how many beds do you want in your room?
Gregory: One
The man at the register: Up or down stairs?
Gregory: Anywhere is fine sir
The man at the register: Alright
Gregory: I have a question though
The man at the register: Yes
Gregory: I don't know what I have to do to stay here, do I have to pay or make a deposit?
The man at the register: No sir, just give me your full name & that's it really.
Gregory: My name is Gregory Eddie
The man at the register: How do you spell your name? First & Last? Then I can look up your name to make a room reservation for you for the night Mr. Gregory Eddie.
Gregory: My First name is, Gregory, G-R-E-G-O-R-Y.
Janine was shocked to see Gregory
Janine POV
Is that Gregory? He looks familiar because of that coat of his, maybe he is a different man. I don't know why I am thinking about Gregory, he is on a spa with his girlfriend Amber. But I don't know maybe that's him if I just go up to him that's it just go up to him seeing if that's Gregory, which it's not it's some man not Gregory.
Another baby cried
Janine POV
I need to stop making baby cry for yelling to much, maybe Jacob is right I am loud.
Gregory: Last name, Eddie, E-D-D-I-E
Janine: Gregory?
Janine POV
Janine: Hey, what are you doing here? What happened to your romantic Poconos weekend getaway?
Gregory: Well I decided this conference was too important to miss so I'm here
Janine: Oooohhh, Well not to "poco my nose" in your business. But where's Amber?
Gregory: I really don't know.
Janine: Do you, Do you need, you want me to help you find her?
Gregory: No, no, no
Janine POV
I am nervous where is Amber? Then Gregory finally spoke which surprised me of what he said.
Gregory: She dump me
The man at the register: Damn!
Janine: I'm shocked she dumped him oh my goodness that's so wild man. Even the man at the resister was himself, I can't believe that Amber broke up with him. I broke up with Maurice he been done since I thought there wasn't nothing clicking between us. I am sad we aren't a thing anymore but I am trying to figure myself out still. I am still trying my best to be better by myself more instead in a relationship. Gregory's face was so disappointed as he was looking at the man at the register who said damn. Because damn why would Amber break up with Gregory I am so sorry for him, I hope he is alright.
The man at the register: Room 243. Enjoy your stay.
Gregory: Thank you, sir plus do you want to walk me to my room so I can tell you all about it Janine?
Janine: Yeah let's walk to your room. You can talk about the break up or not it's ok if we are quiet.
Gregory: Ok
Janine presses the button to the elevator. As it opened up with Janine & Gregory going inside it together going up to the 3rd floor. It was very quiet inside the elevator, Janine didn't say anything but Gregory did.
Gregory: I'm sorry if this is awkward between us, I didn't want nobody knowing.
Janine: No, nothing's awkward I understand.
Gregory: Alright
The elevator doors open as they walked to Gregory's room so he can put his stuff in it & leave.
Gregory: Do you want to come in?
Janine: Sure
Gregory: Okay
Gregory POV
Me & Janine walked into my room as I put my stuff aside the table. I sat on the bed for a minute to breathe. Putting my head down, not knowing what to do or say in this moment. I started to cry as Janine saw me, so she sat beside me. Asking me if I needed a hug, or not because Janine wanted to be there for me which was sweet of her.
Janine: You want a hug
Janine holding her arms up
Gregory: No, no, I am sorry for crying in front of you like this. I usually don't get emotional like this in front of people
Gregory wipes his tears.
Janine: No, it's ok, I really want to give you a hug though because I hate seeing you like this. Can I please give you a hug Gregory? Please say yes, I don't want to look like a complete idiot with my arms up looking like a weirdo here.
Gregory: I don't think your weird for holding your arms up like this, it's sweet Janine. Plus let's hug I really need it, Janine.
Janine: Alright
Janine POV
Gregory & I hugged, I wanted to give him a long hug because he needed it. I am feeling bad for him, I hope his day gets a little bit brighter. I hope this hug makes his day because he deserves it.
Gregory POV
I loved that Janine gave me a long hug because I needed it so badly. She was so caring to me in this heartbreaking situation I was in. She didn't have to be, I am glad she was. Janine has a good heart, I am thankful for a friend like her.
Gregory & Janine pulled away from each other as looking up in each other eyes. It was long & hard enough for the both of them of about to kiss. But, Janine stopped it before something more happened.
Janine: Let's go downstairs, so we can go visit more of these classes Gregory
Gregory: I was thinking about the same thing, but I need to change
Janine: I'll wait outside
Gregory: Sure?
Janine: Yeah I'm sure
Janine POV
I went outside to wait on Gregory, we almost kissed which I stopped it before something more happened between us. I don't want nothing to happen between us, like that. I love Gregory like a brother, nothing more, but if any thing more happened between us. Would I like it? I don't know if I'll like it or not but still, I don't want nothing more happening between us. We are just friends that's all & that's it.
Gregory came out the room while Janine stand aside the door.
Gregory: You ready?
Janine: Yes
Gregory: Alright let's go
Janine: Okay
A few minutes later after a awkward elevator ride downstairs because they almost kissed. But, they forgot about that & Janine finally talked to Gregory.
Janine: Again I am so sorry about your breakup, but, hey, you're amongst friends. Um, so let's hit some lectures, right? To keep your mind occupied? Now you've already missed "Individual Education Plans." But I can catch you up between "Brain Teaser Lunch" and "Designing a Better Curriculum." And I don't wanna fly too close to the sun here, but if we hustle we can make it to the creativity seminar. Although we'd have to be creative about it, you know? So... Hey-oh! It's a joke. Unless that sounds like too much, which-.
Gregory cuts her off
Gregory: No, this is great. It will be good to be busy.
Janine: Right? Yeah, exactly, your favorite way to decompress.
Gregory: Yeah


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