Awkward Interaction

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Gregory POV
I was still looking at Janine I told myself to stop looking at her, to stop staring, but I can't help it. She looks so beautiful in her dress she is wearing. Janine looks uncomfortable too like something wrong. I hope she's ok whatever she's thinking up inside her little head. But something what Maurice said made me jealous & hurt me. But I shouldn't be but I am.
Maurice: Look like your coworker needs somebody to talk to
Gregory: Oh no I don't think I should we were just at work-.
Maurice stopped Gregory from talking because he was talking about himself not him which made Gregory jealous
Maurice: Uh I'm talking about me
Maurice left Gregory speak less
Maurice: She's super cute & short too. Just my type but is she tall enough to ride all the rides? Let's find out.
Gregory grabs his arm quickly because he had a little jealousy in his spirit.
Gregory: Oh no you don't want to do that. She's more of a relationship type. That's not what your looking for.
Maurice sense his jealousy but he said whatever. But he looked at Ava. Gregory's other coworker
Maurice: What about her? She kinda of tall, that's kinda my type too. She can definitely rides all the rides.
Gregory side eye him on Ava
Gregory: I mean you going to regret it
Maurice: That's perfect
Maurice was almost about to go over to Ava too but didn't because Gregory stop him once again.
Gregory: Wait come here mo
Maurice turns around
Gregory: How about anybody other then my coworkers, anybody else.
Maurice walks off not caring where he was going, but to try his best to get a girl's phone number. But as soon Maurice left Gregory dances his way towards Janine.
Gregory: Hey
Janine: Heyyy
Gregory: How are you?
Janine: Goood
Gregory: Is this weird of me being here?
Janine: Kind of but I know we had that conversation outside sooo
Gregory: I know
Janine: How are you?
Gregory: Good myself
Janine shaking her leg still as Gregory sees it asking if she's ok
Gregory: You keep shaking your leg, you good?
Janine: Yeah I'm ok you know just too many people & everything
Gregory: Are you nervous?
Janine: No well kind of
Gregory: I am good with people with anxiety I have a cousin who dealt with it. I used to do this hand thingy it was weird but it calmed her down.
Janine: Yeah? How did you use to do it? Show me if you don't mind?
Gregory: Ok give me your hand please?
Janine: Alright
Janine gave her hand to his as her heart starts to beat
Gregory POV
Janine gave me her hand as my heart started beating fast. I didn't try showing the way I felt while holding her hand but it felt perfect. Her small hands in my mines, she seems so perfect, & I'm in love with her beautiful face. But anyways what I used to do for my cousin is I used to take one of her hands. I traced her lines on her hands as she notice what I was doing. That was the same with Janine looking at me tracing her lines on fingers. She had laughed which made me smile real big, she's everything. I love this cute moment with her.
Im wondering if she's thinking the same.
Janine POV
OH MY GOODNESS HE IS LITERALLY TRACING MY LINES ON MY HAND. MY HEART IS BEATING SO FAST THIS IS CRAZY. I need to calm down myself because oh my goodness, his hands feel so soft, nice, & warm I just wish he held my hand for real.
Gregory: Fun fact which it's weird because we in the club not school
Janine: It's ok I love fun facts in school or not
Gregory: Well there are five main lines on the palm: the life line, heart line (also called love line), money line (also called the fate line), head line, and marriage line. Different lines correspond with different traits. Life line: health and physical vitality. Heart line: love and emotion. Money line: career and fortune
Janine: Which one do I have?
They looked at her hand & he said
Gregory: Well you have all of them. But this is your Heart line aka love line. It means love is soon will be coming in your life or someone special, who knows. I don't know if love come but eventually love will come up in your life.
Janine: That's something great to know I would like to know who that special guy is
Gregory: He probably a great guy
They stare into each other eyes
Janine: Yeah he is
Gregory: There
Janine: Thanks
Gregory: Your welcome I know that's a little weird but tracing someone's hand calms someone down. Well I don't know if it works for everyone or you, but it helped my cousin. She had bad nerves so I always came in helping her whenever she starts to have a panic attack. I trace her hand & tell her the exact same thing I told you.
Janine POV
Gregory: Panic attacks are the worst but we have to help our friends & family whenever they are having a hard time you know.
Janine POV
Janine: I understand what you mean
Gregory: Did it help though?
Janine: It really did
Gregory: Your leg stopped shaking, so I'm glad I helped you with that.
Janine POV
Please make my legs shake in bed PLEAE BABY PLEEEAAAASSSEEEE
Janine: I never heard of a hand tracing thing but maybe in the future I'll use it more often.
Gregory: Cool
Janine: Not the word cool again
Gregory: What am I supposed to say Janine?
Janine: Not cool
Gregory: You know what
Gregory: We are sitting up here talking about tracings hands
Janine: I know but others probably having weird conversations themselves
Gregory: Maybe they are
Janine: Having a weird conversations are interesting
Gregory: They are because it's pretty interesting to be weird instead of normal
Janine: Being normal is what everyone wants to be but why can't they be themselves?
Gregory: I never thought of that really. I always thought that normal is everything in this world, universe, & life we live in everyday. I mean we are humans beings trying our best everyday so why can't people see that?
Janine: This is a deep we are so interesting plus we are out here in the club not smoking but I feel like smoker would have a kind of conversation like this
Gregory: Smokers are smokers
Janine: As they should be
They laughed again
Gregory: Speaking of weird how about half of Abbott Elementary being here?
Gregory scared Janine saying that
Janine: Is Barbara here oh my goodness I'm going to throw up?
Gregory: Oh my bad if I scared you because no she's not here
Janine: It's okay but oh
Gregory saw Ava twerking
Gregory: Just Ava alone
Gregory & Janine were both looking at Ava twerking.
Janine: Yeah but where's Amber?
Janine POV
I gotta know where Miss. Eddie at? I mean if they ever get married I guess I'm invited to the wedding but I don't know if I want too because the way I feel about him is too strong to see him getting married to somebody else. I think that's why there's a question asking if we should break up the happy couple if we have feelings for any of them. But anyways.
Gregory: She's at home?
Janine: Oh ok
Gregory elaborated more because Amber doesn't live with him.
Gregory: She's at her home not mines. We don't lived up in the same household.
Janine: I didn't think you-
Gregory: I'm just having a boy's night out
Gregory pointing at his boy Maurice
Janine: Oh yeah he's great
Gregory POV
It's crazy I didn't tell Janine about my break up with Amber I didn't want to talk about it up in the club right now so I said she was at home not my home but her hers. Anyways I need to get more better at communicating because I am so weird but I'm being myself like we were talking about earlier. Weirdness is cool y'all.
Gregory: It seems like we are the only people not dancing or mingling?
Janine: I know we are weird
Gregory: Should we go out there & be normal together?
Janine: Yeah I enjoy the acts of being normal. I love it.
Gregory: Then let's go & be normal
As they both got up going to the dance floor.
Janine: Two people dancing, mingling, & being normal.
Gregory: After you Jaime
Gregory POV
I felt like our conversation was weird & so awkward. I know I was very awkward I can't remember a day where I wasn't awkward or weird or normal. Im so different from others I feel like nobody gets that but some people I know. I guess I can say Maurice understands me sometimes but who knows he is always up inside his head thinking about women most of the time. Telling me his cheating days are over BOY PLEASE!!! I mean that too. But back to Janine I felt awkward I don't why, I guess I'm in love with her I always was.
Janine POV
Is this weird dancing with someone's man. I mean we aren't going to kiss or do anything sexually but I want to know if this is illegal? I don't want to dance with anybody's man if I get screamed at or cussed at you know. Life is strange because I don't wanna do anything wrong. Am I wrong? Or am I right? This feels weird & it feels so awkward just like that conversation. I just don't want to mess with him if he is with somebody he is in love with. I mean a dance is just a dance that's it. Right?

To be continued

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