This Feels Just Right

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Again this chapter is more of them inside their heads. So some of the POV might be a little bit long. But I hope you're enjoying this story so far but I'll let you continue the story.
Janine's POV
As we were dancing this time not as awkwardly a few minutes ago. I was glad we both were enjoying each other company more. We seem like we were having fun I think I seen Gregory smile a little bit. He says he loves when I smile but I love when he is smiling, fill up with joy, & he is just happy. He deserves happiness in him, he is over here dancing well as he should. He deserves it something about Gregory being happy makes me happy, I love him so much. I do I don't know why I said that but hey love is love no matter who you love up inside this world. I hope I find that someone someday it can't be with Gregory but I wish I was. Maybe our future would've been better if I said to him "I like you Gregory." I wish it could be that simple to say it. But it's not so I have to continue to see him as a coworker & a friend.
Gregory's POV
Oh my goodness this girl is so damn beautiful why does she look so perfect in this outfit, this hair of hers, & her in general. There is just something about Janine, I don't know what it is, I don't know why I keep saying it. I wish I knew this from the beginning & helping myself to tell her "I am in love with you Janine Eddie." Not me giving her my last name but what if she did have my last name? What if we grew together as a couple? As a family? I want to do this right, this time, I deserve this. I hope everything goes well for her though I know she probably doesn't like me like that. I believe she is in love with her ex boyfriend still or maybe she isn't. Janine is something special, I believe in everything she does because she loves the world it's so important to her. Her smile, her laugh, her joy, her company is so amazing to be around. I hope that we could be like this forever, I wish this moment could last forever, I wish time would stop so the two of us could run away together. But that's not possible so I'll live in this moment until I go home.
Janine's POV
This is so weird of me saying but when I went out with Tariq. I know I shouldn't be thinking about my ex boyfriend right now but I am. But when we went out we never did nothing like this. I miss him though I can't believe I dated him since 8th grade. I know middle school was a crazy time for me & him. He was someone special to me, it's crazy because I knew him my whole entire childhood. It's crazy how we ended up together as a couple in late of middle school & early high school. High school was alot to be honest. But we made it through it together as we always would. I'm so thankful for that relationship with Tariq, not going to lie I learned a lot from him. He was my best friend I think that's all he was really. He wasn't a boyfriend to me because I felt like he was someone who I could tell my problems too whenever life was hard. He comfort me, kiss me, hugged me, let me know how much he loved me, & made a joke every time because that's him. I mean of course that's what a boyfriend is supposed to do right? But a friend can comfort you too just without the kisses. Maybe a kiss on a cheek but that's it so I'm thinking to myself that maybe I needed a friend not a boyfriend at a young age in high school. I'm not saying don't date in high schools do whatever that makes you happy. Maybe it might last or not but I'm just saying if it didn't work out. Think about it would've y'all been good friends in the beginning in the first place if all you were going to get was a heartbreak?
Gregory POV
Growing up into a relationships in high school were funny. I never really had a girlfriend but I had a do they or won't they relationships or situationships yes situationships. They suck because I been through all of that pain through my life. I understand it but I feel like I'm the one to blame more then the girls who I fell for. I mean I fell for so many girls in my life but never had a real relationship. Sometimes I think to myself that I am the problem or the one who needs help. As a man who wants to do the right thing I know sometimes I be doing the wrong thing. Like falling for someone who isn't even my girlfriend type shit. Yes I am talking about Amber & Janine, I know that's mess up because I shouldn't be letting Amber fall for me while I'm falling more & more for Janine everyday. I know that's wrong don't be side eyeing me while reading this either. But i believe in real life someone did the same thing like I used too. Me & Amber aren't together no more. Plus we aren't perfect that's why it's called a "mistake." We make mistakes, we learn from them, we don't do them again, & we move on with life. That's always been life. I'm not saying Amber is a mistake. She was a amazing girlfriend I loved & is bad because I know I had the baddest girl out there in these Philadelphia streets. I am just saying that I should've been in an relationship if I'm falling for another girl but who cares a dance is just a dance right? It's not like I am about to kiss her or anything because Janine is just a coworker. Plus I'm broken up with Amber like I said before but still a dance is just a dance, right?
The music was playing while Janine & Gregory were dancing together. They were having a good time until someone bumped Janine into Gregory.
Gregory: You alright?
Janine: Yeah
Gregory: You sure?
Janine: Yes
As they were swinging into each other arms it was a beautiful moment for them both. As Ava seen them together being jealous.
Ava: What the? Not my work husband grinding on my work nemesis.
Her about to buy a drink just to spit it out.
Ava: Pour me a drink so I can spit it out
She spited it out alright as wanting another small shot
Ava: Hit me again
Janine's POV
I felt safe in Gregory's arms. He held me so tight as someone behind me bumped into me up in the club I started to smile so big & bright. I felt like this was the coolest moment of my life. I loved dancing with him anyways, I literally forgot about my co-worker Ava, people in the club, Erica & my surroundings. I just felt like it was me, Gregory, & the music. I didn't think of nothing else but those three things.
Gregory POV:
Her arms, her smile, & her in general. Holding someone who I thought as a coworker felt so good. I don't know what to say. I am just admiring that I am with the most beautiful woman ever. I am so thankful I am in this moment with her.
The music started to change as Gregory & Janine put their arms around each other. Janine put her hands above his shoulders as Gregory put his hands around her waist. He whispered up in her ear saying something to her.
Gregory: Is this fine?
Janine: Yeah it is
Gregory: This slow song right?
Janine: Right?
Gregory: I love it
Janine: You sound like you hate it
Gregory: I don't
Janine: I don't either
Gregory: That's good
Janine: This feels nice
Gregory: Yeah it feels just right
Janine: It does doesn't it?
Gregory: It really does
Janine: Slow songs are the best
Janine said that awkwardly
Gregory: Yeah who can't love a slow song
They see everyone else close so Gregory whispers in Janine's ear again.
Gregory: Do you want to get closer it seems like everyone is close like close close.
Janine: Yeah sure
Gregory: Alright
The held each other closer as rocking back & forth slowly on the dance floor. Janine out of nowhere said something she haven't said to Gregory before which was...
Janine: I am falling for you in this moment Gregory Eddie.
Gregory was shocked when she said that he hesitated before speaking. As she puts her head on his chest. But Gregory felt like he fell for her in this moment too so he said the same thing to her.
Gregory: I am falling for you in this moment too Janine Teague.
Janine started smiling so big when she heard Gregory said it back to her too. It really made her entire night. They both had their eyes closed as rocking back & forth slowly.
Janine POV
He said it back oh my goodness this moment is about to make me cry. I don't know what to feel, all I know this moment is so damn perfect. I don't want to go nowhere else expect for staying here with Gregory in his arms that makes me feel wanted, safe, heard, & loved.
Gregory POV
This is crazy, I haven't felt this way in a long time about someone special. Someone who I thought as a coworker & friend. Someone I thought who wasn't meant for me, but she is someone who is so special, beautiful, out of this world, & someone who I love, yes love man. I'm in love with Janine Teagues & I am not afraid to say it. But in this moment I wanted to change positions. So, I took Janine's hand twirling her around as we started grinding on each other skin to skin, body to body, it felt good to me. I didn't want the grinding to stop. Until you know Ava had to ruin the moment with her jealousy. We both jumped up so quickly when she came.
Ava: Damn Janine why can't you move like that in step practice?
Gregory & Janine got disappointed Ava ruin their moment as she starts giggling. Flirting with Gregory like she always doing because she has a crush on him.
Ava: Gregory no notes
Janine was panicking trying to find a way out this situation & she thought of outside.
Janine: You know what I am going to go get some air
Gregory: Yeah I am going to join you
Janine: Okay
Ava shouting at Gregory
Ava: Gregory you still owe me a body shot!!!
Some people looking at her but as on the other side of the club that's when Gregory & Janine were leaving going outside. But Janine was grabbing her coat because she didn't want to leave it.
Janine: Can I get my coat please?
Janine: Thank you Gregory
Gregory: Your welcome
Janine: Why are you always calling me short?
Gregory: Are you tall?
Janine: No
Gregory: Ok then
Janine: But I don't tell you how tall you are
Gregory: I'm the average height
Janine: Mhmm
Gregory: I AM
They both laughed as a coat man finally arrived
A dude: Which one is your coat mam? Plus sorry for taking so long to come to the register
Janine: The green one & it's alright
A dude: Ok give me 5 minutes
Janine: Ok thank you
Gregory: I can't believe Ava interrupted us
Janine: I don't know why either
Gregory: I know why
Janine: What?
Gregory: She has a crush on me
Janine: What? Nooo....
Janine jealous when he said that
Gregory: Yesssss
Janine: That's crazy
Gregory: I don't mind it though
Janine: How? Your in a whole relationship
Gregory: So is Angela Basset she is married.
Janine: That's different she's married not dating her husband
Gregory: True Relationships & married is different
Janine: Just as being friends is different from dating your friend because that's your girlfriend or boyfriend
Gregory: For sure
Janine: But ew Ava liking you is crazy honestly
Gregory: Nah I don't think so from how she always flirting with me or saying things that makes me uncomfortable it's weird but hey I can't help it I am a attractive man
Janine: You are attractive
Gregory: I am aren't I?
Janine starts laughing as Gregory starts doing his little dances
Gregory: I would but my leg got something to shake after all
Janine: Mhmm take your shaking leg somewhere else
Janine laughing at him shaking his leg. As the guy interrupted Janine & Gregory having a funny moment with each other
The guy: Here is your coat miss, you & your boyfriend have a good night
Gregory: Uh we aren't-
Janine cuts him off
Jeanine: We will come on baby.
Janine grabbing Gregory's hand as he starts to blush real hard for her calling him baby. As they walked off going somewhere together outside.

To be continued...

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