Michaels eyes widened and his heart stopped.

"Luke!" Michael screamed as he tried pulling the man off of him. But two guys picked Michael away from him and pushed him on the ground.

Michael tried pushing them away but he soon started getting flashbacks to that night.. to Tony.

"Stop! No! Stop! I don't want this!" Michael started screaming with tears falling down his face at a fast pace.

One guy was holding him down while the other was throwing punches. But Michael didn't even feel the pain. He was stuck cause he thought that tony was doing this. He thought it was that night all over again.

He closed his eyes and started screaming at the top of his lungs. Luke kept a good fight going with the other three guys. But after a while of both boys going through hell.. it stopped and they got in the slightly dented car and drove off.

Luke was on the ground and let out a few coughs. He had a bloody nose and a few bruises on his stomach but other than that he was okay. He looked over to Michael to see him completely passed out.

"Michael!" Luke screeched as he crawled quickly over to Michaels body. He sighed in relief when he saw that he was still breathing. He looked over Michaels features and saw small cuts on his face and how puffy his face was.

Luke heard him freaking out but couldn't do anything about it. He felt horrible.

"Come on Michael wake up." Luke said slowly shaking the boy. Michael hesitantly opened his eyes and then started panicking and pushed Luke away.

"Michael it's me! Luke! Calm down." Luke said and grabbed his hand to try and comfort him. Michaels sad green eyes met Luke's blue eyes and he frowned when seeing what those guys did to Luke.

"I-I'm so sorry." Michael said and tears fell down his face. He felt like this was his fault. He was the one that caused Luke to get mad and push him against the car like that. He basically provoked him.

"It's not your fault." Luke said softly and brought him close to his chest. Michael wrapped this arms around Luke and cried into his neck.

Michael is a hot mess.

"I'll never let anything happen to you again. I'm not gonna let anyone ever hurt you." Luke whispered and held onto Michael like he was terrified to let him go.

Michael knew he meant it. Michael knew that Luke cared about him.. he just didn't know how to show it.


After walking for what felt like hours.. they came upon the police station. Luke had to help Michael walk a little bit because one of the angry hood men kicked his leg and it hurt to walk on it. They also had to take like several breaks because Luke got punched in the chest and every time he would walk to long he wouldn't be able to breathe... which terrified Michael.

When they walked into the police station both boys got strange looks.

"Boys? Are you alright?"

"Just another day in paradise man. I'm actually just here cause my car go towed and I don't know where it's at." The cop nodded and pulled out some files.

"Is it a jeep?" Luke nodded and the man handed him his keys.

"It's a hundred dollar down payment" Luke sighed loudly and pulled out money and handed it to the man. Michael just watched and examined Luke's face.

Even with dirt and marks all over his face.. he still look beautiful.

"Have a good day boys." Luke just grunted and grabbed Michaels hand and walked away. Michael was extremely happy to see the blue keep sitting there. He just wanted to go home and cuddle with his puppy.

Both boys got in the car and before they know it.. they were both on the freeway. Michael had his head laying against the window and he just watched out the window.

Definitely a crazy concert experience.. he also managed to go through 100 different emotions within the last 24 hours. He still isn't sure how Luke feels about him. He doesn't even know what to say and how to feel anymore.

Luke is so complicated.

Broken Home ; mukeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora