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A/N: not very proud of this chapter but anyway uni is killing me  :(

K A Z I M I R  | 35
2005 | Present

His hands were drenched in blood.

The thick stench of blood and death swamped the small room. Kazimir's chest heaved up and down as he caught his breath. He looked down as his bloody hands. The color, the thickness, the warmth, the way it dripped and pooled on his skin as weird as it may sound it brought him a sense of comfort. Kazimir reached down taking a hold of the bloodied timepiece on the ground its gears exposed and motionless, frozen in time.

He glanced to the body besides it, void of life on the floor. He had beat the man not only to his death but to the point where he was unrecognisable. The chest was caved in where he had shattered the man's ribs and formed a dip from which blood continued to spill, the arms and legs were bent in unnatural positions, the jaw partly separated from the skull which was also broken in some areas.

It had been a fast death, faster than he would've liked so he couldn't enjoy the sounds of his heavy fists connecting or their bones cracking or the screams and groans in pain for as long. He removed the blood stained white shirt replacing it with another on the table and changed his bottoms before leaving the room.

"Get rid of it" He said once he left the room placing the shattered watch in the hands of the man by the door. The man at the door gave only a curt nod in response as Kazimir walked down the hallway and up the stairs towards, As soon as he walked through the double doors he was hit by the sound of loud music.

Wiping his hands of the blood that remained he gave a nod to the two men positioned by the door before handing the stained cloth to one of them, walking across to the VIP booth. As he took a seat, Kazimir took time to admire the glamorous surroundings of the strip club, the lights were slightly dimmed. He watched as the near naked women swayed their hips gracefully for business men in front of them.

Although he owned plenty other clubs in the city, this was one of his most prized ones. The Backroom, a strip club known for it's busy atmosphere, the most elite business men and women were even known to come here. Though it was all a front for the his more lucrative business, he couldn't help but appreciate it.

The alcohol glass felt cold against his lips, harsh and rough as it travelled down his throat. Hungry eyes lingered hard greedily hoping he'd look their way. The eyes of other men that sneakily stared at him with a distinct look of resent and jealousy plastered on their faces but he was not fazed by the short skirts and nor threatened by all kinds of looks that he received.

"Did you have a good time cousin?"

Kazimir kept his eyes on the dancers not bothering to face his cousin.

"Still giving me the silent treatment?" Ivan deeply sighed. He lightly tapped the thigh of the half naked woman who sat on his lap, indicating for her to go. Eyeing her behind as she walked off.

"You made me skip breakfast for that meeting i was hungry" He groaned. "How was i supposed to know she'd be delivering"

Kazimir reaching into his suit pocket for a lighter and a pack of Marlboro.

"How's things?" He asked Raslan who sat to his right, ignoring Ivan.

"Rocco was about 800k off last week"

He lit his cigarette placing it in between his lips before taking a huge inhale. Rocco and his people sold to the eastern side of the city, a place filled with upper middle class to rich snobs, it thrived on drugs it didn't make sense for there to be a sudden decrease in the amount that was sold.

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