The orign of wallwarrior part 4

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Dig called the general of the force and he said general I'm at the base and killer take her to his lab some kind test her. General said I'm don't know what he gonna do to her but make sure she make out of there for good ok: dig said general one more thing before about continue my mission how my sister doing her training: general said she still need lots to learn but she good her combat, skill and she in her 10 grade reading level so she is a genius: dig said that good to know she still ugly is she: general said don't talk about your sister continue your mission and let me know what u got. Dig continued his mission. The guard hear something dig choke him and he knockout dig was gonna enter killer lab but he need a code to open the door then see Z working on she king a nuke called the end . Z said is nuke ready one of science said no not yet sir. Z got a called for killer he said come for a meeting. Z said guard make sure nobody get in this base. Z got in his motorcycle take off meanwhile dig can't believe Z working with the devil weapon and he find a code to the door for killer lab dig enter and find the ghost of sniper she was beat and torture dig untired her and out of based dig called helicopter to get her take her to the base of the force meanwhile in the helicopter the doctor find a bomb inside her guts. Dig said cut her open we got get the bomb out

To be continued

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