Suivival part 2

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Laura and her friend walk to Atlanta they going to the every store glad a food and water then Tesha said Laura when we find some gun Laura said I'm don't know yet just keep find a food ok Laura walk outside just look at the sky it star sky it so nice outside jerome walk outside and said what going on Tesha look at Jerome said Jerome why you come outside With Me she. Jerome said just need some fresh air she sit at the truck Laura said we got anything. Tesha said wait let check out that building right there. Laura said no we not going to the building we what inside we got to get home ok. So do something about it Come on. Laura said I setup the smoke alarms ok.
Any bad happened Jerome shoot the flair gun ok . Everyone come me. Laura see dead body everywhere and see the picture of wife and daughter and husband she flip the picture and said come home daddy Laura said so sad. Everyone checking the building then Jerome look up there alien ship and see alien soldier Jerome shoot flair gun and hide Laura said something bad happened then alien ship shooting  the building Laura said everyone get down be quiet. Reanimates coming toward the building Laura said grab me shot gun we have to go to the other building. Alien commander said search everywhere if human inside kill all of them. Alien soldier see saw protector and must go kill them. Laura glad a shotgun and hide Laura we got to seek pass the alien we can't let them see us. Alien soldier see saw protector and shout was the saw protector there then attack.

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